James Herbert Flickinger
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Burbank, California
March 08, 1945 to May 03, 1967
JAMES H FLICKINGER is on the Wall at Panel 19E, Line 25
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Flickinger

James H Flickinger
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25 Aug 2001

Remembered by His Comrades

5th Infantry Regiment

James H Flickinger
Photo courtesy of Denis McDonough

Randy Kethcart

02 Jun 2007

Dear James,

Although I never met you, I know of you through your good friend and fellow Nam Vet and brother Denis. While searching through the data base on the Virtual Wall Denis came across the name of my beloved Larry Brent Curttright and father to my son. Denis contacted me and wanted to know if it would be all right for him to post Larry Brent Curttright's pictures and Citations on the thewall-usa.com web site.

Thus through Denis I have come to know of you. You are very special to Denis and now to me.

I myself served with the Medical Corps in Nam as a Surgical/Triage Nurse.

Through communication with Denis I feel I do know you and I feel your loss as a brother.

Rest in peace, James, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. I only wish that my hands and others could have saved you and all our other brothers and sisters lost in Nam.

Again you are not forgotten James, not now nor ever, Please Know This.


Rebecca Doran Curttright

On 03 May 1967 B Company, 1st Bn, 5th Infantry lost four men in the Ho Bo Woods about 7 Kilometers South-Southeast of Ben Suc when their armored personnel carrier was hit by recoilless rife fire: A fifth member of the Company, SP4 Randall Arbogast of Valley Head, West Virginia, was wounded by a white phosphorous grenade and died at Brook Army Hospital in San Antonio, Texas on 31 May 1967.

SP4 James H. Flickinger was survived by his mother, Mrs Betty I Flickinger, then living on Ceder Avenue, Burbank, California. He is buried in Grandview memorial Park, Glendale California.

James H Flickinger

James H Flickinger

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