Anthony Joseph Spirito, Jr
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Hartford, Connecticut
June 18, 1949 to February 05, 1968
ANTHONY J SPIRITO Jr is on the Wall at Panel 37E, Line 44
See the full profile or name rubbing for Anthony Spirito

Combat Action Ribbon
Anthony J Spirito
3rdmaf.gif 3mardiv.gif 11engbn-mc.gif

13 June 1999

Anthony, I remember you as a leader in our Marine Corps Platoon 1004.

I believe you were our "Honor Marine" and our first PFC. I was very sorry to see your name as well as 3 other Marines from Platoon 1004 were KIA.

I saw your name on the Wall in DC and I can say I was proud to know you.

Another Marine reporting SIR. . .

Semper Fi,
Richard J. Mullins,

Formerly Port Clinton, Ohio
Former Marine 67-71

05 Feb 2007

You are remembered today as you always have been. You are forever ... part of our family. Thank You for your sacrifice, Tony.

With much Honor, Love and Prayers for all.
From a Nam brother and his wife,
Terri and Charlie Black (USMC)
Boynton Beach, Fla


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Pfc Spirito was killed when his mine sweep team clearing Highway QL1 between Dong Ha and Gia Linh was ambushed.

The other Marines from Recruit Platoon 1004 mentioned by Mr. Mullins are

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