Peter John Lovan
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Elmont, New York
February 18, 1948 to August 02, 1968
PETER J LOVAN is on the Wall at Panel W50, Line 51
See the full profile or name rubbing for Peter Lovan

Combat Action Ribbon
Peter J Lovan
usmc120.gif 3rdmaf.gif usmc-cap.gif

11 June 1999

Peter, I remember you from boot camp, we were "bunkies" for a while. I remember the Bends and Thrusts you had to do, I think because you were simply talking to me. Then I had to do double your number because I was laughing at your pants falling down because you had lost so much weight from training. (We found so little to laugh at in boot camp.)

Three other Marines from Platoon 1004 were killed in action. I was very sad the day I saw your name up in the book. I am proud to say I knew you.

Another Marine reporting, Sir!

Semper Fi,
Richard J. Mullins
Formerly Port Clinton, Ohio
Former Marine 67-71

14 Aug 2004

Private First Class Peter John Lovan is remembered by his brothers in
Kilo Company, 3/7 Marines

From the webmaster of Kilo 3/7 Vietnam,

22 Apr 2007

A Near-Perfect Day
Copyright 2007 by Steve B. Kaplan

"The day right after tomorrow," he said,
"Thatï¿ 1/2 s when I have to deploy,
Theyï¿ 1/2 ll give me a gun, and ship me right out,"
I frowned, and I muttered, "Poor boy."
He said "Donï¿ 1/2 t want to hear about sorrow,
My momï¿ 1/2 s chased me out with her tears,
But the flounder are running; letï¿ 1/2 s go get a boat,
And weï¿ 1/2 ll fish away all of their fears."

Chorus: I still can remember so clearly,
Gulls hovered in a crystal blue sky,
Though itï¿ 1/2 s far in the past, the memories hold fast,
The rocking on waves, the crisp air sailing by,
I may grin, but I mean this sincerely,
Iï¿ 1/2 ll recall ï¿ 1/2 til I rest with the clay
The way that we laughed, we sure acted quite daft,
It was really a near-perfect day!

We never had been really chummy,
We said "Hey" as we passed in the hall,
He was headed for war; I was deep into books,
But his devilish grin I recall,
So we jumped in the car in the morning
Headed east towards a red rising sun,
We rented a skiff, and we slalomed on out,
Counting buoys and ready for fun. ==> Chorus

We stopped at an island for mussels
A tiny but verdant redoubt,
I reached out my hand, and pulled up a few,
"This is starting out easy!" I shout.
Then I went aft to start up the motor,
And as I was pulling the cord,
The frayed line gave way, and I hasten to say,
I just missed going plumb overboard.

We laughed, and we howled,
and we laughed once again,
Neither one of us could get a grip.
I just barely recovered my balance,
And he cackled, "My, my, what a trip,"
We tried to calm down, but it took some time,
The Coast Guard came, put us in tow,
Then we got us a boat a much better ride,
Where? Back out there fishing, you know. ==> Chorus

I must say, Iï¿ 1/2 ve thought of him often,
I looked for him every which way,
The internet and every phone book,
My long search is over today,
He shipped out the day
that he told me he would,
They trained him and gave him a gun,
But he died out there,
and I have to declare,
Iï¿ 1/2 d rather weï¿ 1/2 d had much more fun.==> Chorus

From an acquaintance who appreciated his ability to have fun,
Steve B. Kaplan


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Pfc Peter J. Lovan and Pfc Michael A. Griggs of Bowie, Maryland, first served with Kilo 3/7 Marines. According to the rosters available on the Kilo 3/7 site linked above, Pfc Griggs left Kilo 3/7 in January 1968 and Pfc Lovan in March 1968 - and both went to the Combined Action Program's Mobile Training Team 2. They were killed in action on 02 Aug 1968.

The 1st CAG command chronology for August 1968 contains the following entry:

"020245H Aug 68: CAP 1-1-3. Upper and lower compounds occupied by CAP 1-1-3 and MTT 1-2 came under attack from two VC companies. VC breached wire of lower compound. Reaction force from upper compound ejected and pursued them. Results: 29 VC KIA (C), 20 weapons captured."
Six Marines died in the fight:
  • CAP 1-1-3:
  • Mobile Training Team 1-2:
    • Cpl Carl D. Wakefield, Framingham, MA
    • LCpl David C. Crane, Rochester, NY
    • Pfc Michael A. Griggs, Bowie, MD
    • Pfc Peter J. Lovan, Elmont, NY

The other Marines from Recruit Platoon 1004 mentioned by Mr. Mullins are

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