Ralph Russell Berg
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Paxton, Massachusetts
January 11, 1949 to March 07, 1968
RALPH R BERG is on the Wall at Panel 43E, Line 40
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ralph Berg

Combat Action Ribbon
Ralph R Berg
3rdmaf.gif 3mardiv.gif 3rdmarines.gif

08 Jul 1999

Ralph, I remember you well in Marine boot camp Platoon 1004.
Quiet, but very determined! I was very sorry to see your name on the Wall in DC.
You were one of four Marines from our platoon that was KIA.
Lovan, Spirito, and Thomas were the other three.

I'll say this for the rest of the platoon: We are proud of all of you guys.

"Another Marine reporting, SIR!"

Semper Fi,
Richard J. Mullins
Formerly Port Clinton, Ohio
Former Marine 67-71

04 Apr 2004

Ralph, I remember you because of your quiet bravery in defense of your friends.

Semper Fi,
Paul Larson
Northern I Corps, 68-69
E-mail address is not available.

28 Dec 2006

Ralph was my first cousin. His mother and mine were twin sisters. His mother, Gladys Anderson, was a widow with only one child, and had to sign a release for Ralph to enlist. She did so because he was so intent on becoming a Marine.

Gladys missed him very much after he was killed in action and lived alone for the rest of her life. Of course, she had her family, but not her son. She became a Gold Star Mother from Massachusetts and was one of five GS Mothers who traveled to Viet Nam to dedicate a hospital given by donors from Massachusetts through an organization whose name I do not remember.

At the dedication of the hospital, she gave a wonderful speech which was broadcast on Walter Cronkite's newscast. I was privileged to see it, although I did not have any notice.

Ralph is the only family member to have served in Viet Nam and the family is very proud of his service and sacrifice. We only became aware of this website earlier this year when my grandaughter was doing a college reasearch assignment on that conflict.

Ralph's family and I are very proud of him and all of the service men and women who responded when their country called. God bless you all.

From a cousin,
Walter H. Johnson (Skip)
234 Round Cove Road, Chatham, Ma 02633


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 1st Bn, 3rd Marines lost 13 men in a bitter fight at Phu Tai (3) hamlet, 3 kilometers northeast of Dong Ha village in Quang Tri Province:
  • A Company:
    • LCpl Leslie Cook, Philadelphia, PA
    • LCpl Abraham R. Derryberry, Shreveport, LA (Silver Star)
    • LCpl Richard Ginal, Detroit, MI
    • LCpl Ralph L. Hammel, Duncansville, PA
    • LCpl William J. Muldovan, Watertown, NY
    • Pfc Carmine Casillo, Buffalo, NY
    • Pfc Edward L. Hoover, Huntersville, NC
    • Pfc Sterling P. Johnson, Carlin, NV
    • Pfc George M. Lamberton, Doraville, GA

  • D Company:
    • Cpl Esau Whitehead, New York, NY
    • Pfc Ralph R. Berg, Paxton, MA
    • Pfc Richard D. Hall, Whittier, CA

  • H&S Company:
    • LCpl Stephen W. Hathaway, Tucson, AZ

The other men identified by Mr. Mullins in the entry above are

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