David Frederick Sleeper
United States Air Force
Framingham, Massachusetts
September 23, 1939 to August 26, 1968
DAVID F SLEEPER is on the Wall at Panel W46, Line 34
See the full profile or name rubbing for David Sleeper

David F Sleeper
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"Thank you for all your help and information. I am David's firstborn daughter and also the eldest of 5 children ... 4 natural and 1 adopted. John (adopted), Ruthann(me), Darlene, Scott and Lynn. I do not know much about my Dad. The photo was given to me by my father's 2nd wife. He and my mom divorced when I was 2-3 years old. So I do not know when or where they were taken. I had been researching my father and where he might be buried when I made a visit to Arlington Cemetery. I had no idea he was there and cried when they said he was there. I am working on getting copies of his medals. I would like them for my grandsons. Thanks again for your dedication. God Bless you!"

In addition, Ruthann provided the following request: " I am looking anyone who may be related to David F. Sleeper. He died in Vietnam when I was 6 years old. I am looking for all and any information you may be willing to share as well as any pictures of him you may. I have no pictures of my father. Thank you"

-- Ruthann Sleeper Marshall, 09/25/2012

If you have any information please contact Ruthann Marshall

-- The Virtual Wall, 09/30/2012

SGT Sleeper was the loadmaster for the C-7B Caribou (#62-4177) when it was hit by hostile ground fire in the starboard wing as it was flying close to the Cambodian border on an airlift flight, about 10 miles southwest of An Loc, Vietnam.

The aircraft lost the wing which caused the aircraft to go into a spin and crashed, exploding and killing all three crewmen. They were:

CPT Robert George Bull, II, Marlboro, New York
1LT Ralph William Manners, New Hyde Park, New York
SGT David Frederick Sleeper, Framingham, Massachusetts

Photo of SGT Sleeper with his two daughters.


Photo of Group Burial Marker at Arlington National Cemetery.


Photo of Parents headstone, with SGT Sleeper's information, located at Lakeview Cemetery, Wayland, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. His parents were Arthur Frederick Sleeper (1907 - 1970) and Ruth Ellen Hanson Sleeper (1907 - 1992).


-- The Virtual Wall

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