Wesley Robert Sexton
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Cornelia, Georgia
May 16, 1946 to July 09, 1967
WESLEY R SEXTON is on the Wall at Panel 23E, Line 39
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11 Aug 1999


by his brother,
Terrie Sexton

The following appeared on the front page of the local newspaper
"The Northeast Georgian", July 13, 1967:


The name of Bobby Sexton of Cornelia, Sunday was added to the list of hero's names engraved forever in the hallowed list of those who have given their life in the defense of their country.

Word was received here early Monday morning of the death of Bobby on the battlefields of Viet Nam. According to word received here and from press dispatches, an elite force of North Vietnamese regulars wearing white, black and green uniforms caught two U.S. paratroop companies in a crossfire of automatic weapons and mortar fire Monday night in the central highlands near Dak To, north of Plieku. The crossfire killed 26 Americans and injured another 36 according to dispatches.

Among them was Bobby Sexton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sexton of Cornelia. Mr. and Mrs. Sexton were notified of the death of their son by a special messenger early Monday morning.

Pfc. Sexton's body is being flown back to Cornelia for burial, and funeral arrangements will be announced by McGahee Funeral Home as soon as they are made.

Bobby was widely known throughout the community. He graduated from South Habersham High School in 1965. He had worked on the construction of the Hall County Hospital as an electrician's helper. At the time he was drafted into the service in November of 1966 he was studying electronics in Atlanta.

He was a member of the Cornelia volunteer fire department for a number of years and firemen held him and his work in high esteem.

He took his basic training at Fort Benning, and advanced training at Fort Gordon. Following in the footsteps of his father, who was a paratrooper in World War II, he volunteered for the paratroops and took his jump training at Fort Benning.

He arrived in Vietnam on June 2 of this year and was serving in the 173rd Airborne Brigade.

Last week his parents received a letter from him telling of a battle in which all his buddies who had gone overseas with him were killed in action following a Vietcong ambush. He was spared this by being in a rear area at the time.

Bobby enjoyed many hobbies, among which were collecting Civil War relics. A heavy Civil War type cannon which will fire a projectile across the lot, still stands in the family's back yard. He had built the instrument to add to his collection of relics. Cornelia firemen prize a drawing he made of the firemen in action.

He was a member of the Bethlehem Baptist Church.

He is survived by his parents; three brothers, Danny, Terrie, and Douglas, and a sister, Kay; and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. W. H. Loudermilk, all of the family home.

This article appeared 33 years ago. Since that time, Bobby's father has passed away; his brother, Danny, was killed in a car accident; and his grandmother, Willie Loudermilk, passed away on December 27, 2000, at the age of 100.

Bobby Sexton was my cousin.

Joni Mabe
25 February 2001

04 Oct 2001

Bobby and I grew up living across the street from each other. Bobby was like a brother to me. When the time came Bobby went into the Army and I into the Air Force. Bobby understood the price of freedom and was willing to put his life on the line so all could experience the freedom which we all enjoy. Bobby will always be remembered by those of us who knew him as one of the most talented and likable individuals one could ever know. I know that he and his father had a glorious reunion, when his father went home.

We miss him greatly and may GOD bless the USA.

From a friend,
Alan J. DeWitt

Seven men from Habersham County, Georgia, died in Vietnam and are remembered on The Virtual Wall:
Phillip R Duff
Sergeant, US Army
Larry P Jones
Corporal, US Army
Millard L Palmer
SP4, US Army
Jerry E Rogers
Sergeant, US Army
Wesley R Sexton
PFC, US Army
Charles W Sims
Corporal, USMC
Hilliard A Wilbanks
Captain, USAF

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