Alfredo Ostolaza-Maldonado
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Santurce, Puerto Rico
June 15, 1939 to August 08, 1966
ALFREDO OSTOLAZA-MALDONADO is on the Wall at Panel 9E, Line 116
See the full profile or name rubbing for Alfredo Ostolaza-Maldonado

Alfredo Ostolaza-Maldonado
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Alfredo Ostolaza-Maldonado


19 Jul 1999


by Big D

28 May 2004


by a nephew,
Orlando Irizarry Ostolaza
3818 S.W. 67 Terrace, Miramar, Fl 33023

02 Jul 2007

Hey buddy, finally, I see you again (picture)...
I hope to see you in heaven some day.
You were the greatest of friends.
Love Ya, man.
"Mi mejor amigo"

From a close army friend,
Rev. Dr. (SP4) Hector M. Rivera
Saint Just, Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 01 August 1966 units of the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, were inserted into the Ia Drang Valley for a search-and-destroy operation named PAUL REVERE II. Although ample evidence of the enemy's presence was found during the first week, 1/7 Cav had little contact with enemy forces.

That changed shortly after noon on 08 August when "A" Company made contact with a large enemy force near Landing Zone JULIET. The 3rd Platoon was on point and made the initial contact with the NVA. They aggressively pursued and were immediately hit by several enemy heavy and light machineguns, cutting them off from the rest of the company. Most of the 3rd Platoon was able to exfiltrate back to the "A" Company perimeter, where the company found itself under very heavy attack. By 1500, artillery and air strikes had discouraged the NVA, which broke contact and withdrew into the jungles.

The price paid by "A" Company was very high - 25 dead, 36 more wounded. The dead were

Battalion Command Sergeant Major Richard Schaaf had volunteered to accompany Alpha 1/7 on the operation. He and his friend, Platoon Sergeant Francisco Roig of the 3rd Platoon, were instrumental in extracting the 3rd Platoon from the ambush site. SMAJ Schaaf was killed while providing covering fire; PSGT Roig survived. Both were awarded the Silver Star for their actions.

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