Brad Donald Chriss
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Pompano Beach, Florida
May 21, 1948 to March 19, 1969
BRAD D CHRISS is on the Wall at Panel W29, Line 76
See the full profile or name rubbing for Brad Chriss

Brad D Chriss
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Brad D Chriss

Information in the Daily Staff Journal, G-3 operations, Americal Division was recorded on 19 March, at 1600 hours that Charlie and Alpha Companies 2 Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 196th Light Infantry Brigade at 0845H received heavy automatic weapons fire from grid BT 173130 and BT 162118. The results were 2 U.S. Killed in Action (KIA), 5 U.S. Wounded in action (WIA) Evcuated (E). Units returned fire with small arms. Artillery and helicopter gun ships were also employed. Medevac "dust off" completed by 1004H. ll US WIA and KIA were evacuated. Gun ships received fire, and broke station at 1031H. At 1151H, 2/1 Commanding Officer in Command & Control helicopter received 5-6 rounds automatic weapons fire from 4-5 weapons. Another US WIA(E). Alpha Company engaged estimated North Vietnamese Army (NVA) platoon arranged in a horseshoe position. Company pulled back and joined Bravo Company of 2/1st Inf still receiving scattered small arms fire.

On 20 March at 0315H, Delta Company 2/1st Infantry reported that at BT 173113 at 0130H, received 6 to 8 82mm mortar rounds with the results of 2 US KIA and 5 US WIA. At 1210H, it was reported that Bravo and Delta Companies, 2/1 Infantry engaged enemy from BT 164113 at 1150H, receiving mortar fire; Air Strikes called in at that time and B Company moving into reinforce. Results: received 14 rounds of enemy 82mm Mortars with 5 US KIA and 11 WIA (E). Dust off completed at 1235H. Gun ship expended ammunition and artillery called in with negative results.

On 19-20 March 1969 the 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry lost 17 men in a fight on the Khang River west of Tien Phuoc, Quang Tin Province. They were:

Chriss was listed as missing in action on the 19th and he was recovered on the 22nd of March. His family was notified on the 23rd.

Brad D Chriss                      Brad D Chriss

Department of the Army
Headquarters AMERICAL Division
APO San Francisco 96374

General Orders
Number 2644                                                                        17 April 1969
Award of the Bronze Star Medal

1. TC 320.   The following AWARD is announced posthumously.

CHRISS, BRAD D. US 53581893 (SSAN 133-38-0683) SPECIALIST FOUR,
Company A, 2d Battalion, 1st Infantry, 196th Infantry Brigade

Bronze Star Medal with "V" Device
Date of action:
19 March 1969
Republic of Vietnam
For heroism, not involving aerial flight, in connection with military operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. Specialist Four Chriss distinguished himself with exceptionally valorous actions on 19 March 1969 while assigned assistant machine gunner with Company A, 2d Battalion, 1st Infantry, 196th Infantry Brigade. On that date, Specialist Chriss' company was on a combat sweep near the village of Thien Phouc when the point element was ambushed by a well organized enemy force of undetermined size. Disregarding the dangers involved, Specialist Chriss rushed forward to the ambush site and assisted the machine gunner in placing heavy volumes of suppressive fire on enemy positions. When the machine gunner was killed, Specialist Chriss took over and continued to provide covering fire for the exposed friendly forces until he was mortally wounded. Through his self sacrifice, he was credited for saving the lives of many of his fellow soldiers. Specialist Four Chriss' personal herokism and devotion to dut was in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself, the Americal Division, and the United States Army.
By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order 11046, 24 August 1962

              FOR THE COMMANDER:

OFFICIAL:                                      JOHN W. DONALDSON
                                                      Colonel, GS
(Signature)                                    Chief of Staff
Asst AG

Brad D Chriss
Fort Lauderdale News, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 19 Jun 1969, Thursday, page 3

Brad D Chriss

Specialist Four Brad Donald Chriss was survived by his mother Bettie Jane (Kuebler) Chriss (1930-2020 and father Donald Bert Chriss (1929-1980), brother Gary, sisters Sharon, Cynthia, and Nancy.

Brad is buried near his father in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens North Pompano Beach, Broward County, Florida.

Brad D Chriss

Brad D Chriss

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