Dan Burgess Yarbrough
Second Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Tooele, Utah
April 20, 1949 to July 11, 1969
DAN B YARBROUGH is on the Wall at Panel W21, Line 104
See the full profile or name rubbing for Dan Yarbrough

Dan B Yarbrough
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28 Apr 2002


Lieutenant Yarbrough was the First Platoon leader.
Marvin Richardson was his RTO.

Both died in the assault on Hill 996.

Richard "Doc" Daniels

01 May 2002

Lt Yarbrough's call sign was "MISTER MAGOO" and he was a fine young officer. I met his father in Lawton, Oklahoma, and explained to him how his son died. Mr. and Mrs. Yarbrough found comfort in knowing that I helped care for him on Hill 996.

Dan, thank you for serving our country.

From a fellow Platoon Leader in Company D,
Gerald D. Curtis

16 Nov 2002

I served with "Lt Dan" in Delta Co and I want all to know that all of us in Delta Co respected Lt Dan ... as we used to say, he "had his shit together". I always felt that he was just one of the few officers who knew what this thing called the Vietnam "conflict" was about. I served in the third and fourth platoons so I was not directly under Dan's command. Unfortunately our platoon was pinned down, had lost communication with company command, and was unable to help the first platoon in our fight to take Hill 996 on July 11, 1969.

From a fellow Veteran,
Salvador L. Gonzalez

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