Donald Clair Wyles
Army of the United States
Saxton, Pennsylvania
December 21, 1945 to June 10, 1966
DONALD C WYLES is on the Wall at Panel 8E, Line 33
See the full profile or name rubbing for Donald Wyles


They told us you were a spirited child
Born on the shortest day of the year
You liked to play with snakes and frogs
In the old silo pit in the barn's rear

With your siste and brothers
There was sibling rivalry
Plenty of joking, games and teasing
And fighting over the TV

You used to ask you mother
For a dollar to go up to town
To Dixon's pool hall for a game
Or the Sugarshack to hang around

Remember the night the crew cuts were given
Until someone took off the guard
Dad came out in his boxer shorts
And chased you around the yard

Life seemed so simple then
What more could be asked by any young man
But in the background lingered a Black Cloud
That place called Vietnam

In November '65 the draft notice was sent
With Ronnie Villa and Ronnie Wyles
To Fort Jackson you went

Fort Sill was the next stop
Then a short furlough at home
A bus trip to Oakland
Where you called on the phone

"This will be the last time you hear my voice."
You told your Dad and Mom
Then you got on the plane
And went to Vietnam

Only a short time would pass
Till they came with the news
Dad just came home from work
Wondering, "What did Donnie do?"

People passed by your casket
By twos in long lines
So many of yourfriends and family
There to say good bye one last time

Mom was screaming when the guns fired
As they lay you to rest
Crying she stood holding your
Flag tightly to her breast

Thirty years have passed by
Since that day on Focklers Hill
The people are all gone now
Things are quiet and still

But your memory stays with us
In our hearts we hold dear
Whenever we are together
We wish that you were here.

Karen M. Wyles

A memorial from his brother,
Terry Wyles
E-mail address is not available. 31 Oct 2001

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