Earl Charles Willoughby
Chief Master Sergeant
United States Air Force
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
December 30, 1921 to September 07, 1965
EARL C WILLOUGHBY is on the Wall at Panel 2E, Line 77
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Earl C Willoughby
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Earl C Willoughby


29 Jul 2002

To my Dad

I miss you every day. My life was not the way I planned, because you were not with me.

You served your country in the early days of Vietnam and sometimes people forget the vets that were taken away at the beginning.

I am trying to put the word out every chance I get that you were there and died for our freedoms here and you are and will always be remembered. I LOVE YOU.

Your daughter

24 Jun 2003

The following article is taken from The Philadelphia Daily News, special supplement entitled 'SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY,' October 26, 1987. The special supplement was issued in conjunction with the dedication of the Philadelphia Viet Nam Memorial.

Willoughby had attended Overbrook High School before entering the old Army Air Corps in World War II. The chief master sergeant saw action in North Africa and Italy and re-enlisted four times over the next two decades. The Air Force veteran's last enlistment began in July 1962. Willoughby, an air controller with Detachment 1 of the 619th Tactical Control Squadron at Da Nang Air Base in Viet Nam, died at Clark Air Base in the Philippines, on September 7, 1965, as a result of injuries sustained in Viet Nam. He was 43 years old, and the first member of the Air Force from Philadelphia to die in the war as a result of other than natural causes. Willoughby was survived by his wife and several children.


From a native Philadelphian and Marine,
Jim McIlhenney


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The Philadelphia Daily News article cited above states that Chief Master Sergeant Willoughby was assigned to Det 1, 619th Tac Ctrl Sqd, at Danang AB. Det 1, 619th TCS, was located at Phu Quoc Island, off the southwest coast of South Vietnam while Det 1, 620th TCS, was located at Danang (Monkey Mountain) and Dong Ha Air Base in northern South Vietnam. CMSgt Willoughby was assigned to the Monkey Mountain facility operated by Det 1, 620th TCS, 505th TCG.

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