James Carl Whisnan
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Medford, Oregon
July 22, 1948 to March 14, 1968
JAMES C WHISNAN is on the Wall at Panel 44E, Line 55
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Combat Action Ribbon
James C Whisnan
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 27thmarines.gif

16 Jan 2005

I went to high school with Jim. There was a group of us who hung out together every day at lunch time. Jim was just an average guy, but I remember him joking around a lot. I always liked him. We were all average guys, sneaking around, smoking cigarettes, cutting classes. We would go down to Stu's and hang out. Stu's was the local burger joint near Medford High, on Oakdale. We had some good times there. Jim. I left school in my sophomore year. I never saw Jim again, as I moved out of state. I joined the Marines in 1965, came back from Vietnam in 1967, and got married Feb 10, 1968. I read about Jim's death in the local paper. I was very sad, and I have never forgotten him. I want people to remember Jim as a nice guy. That's how I remember him. You are a hero to me, Jim!

Bob Lee Phillips

10 Dec 2006

I found this site quite by accident. I have been thinking of Jimmy (as we called him) for several weeks now. Several of us grew up in the same neighborhood in Medford. He wasn't one of my best friends but his sister was. We dated through high school. Jimmy was the first of many friends to die in Vietnam. Thank you for this opportunity to say something to him after all these years.

From a childhood friend,
Mike Duncan

Medford Man Dies In Action - Medford Marine Pfc. James Carl Whisnan of Medford has been killed in Vietnam, his parents report. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Whisnan said they were told their son died from gunshot wounds received while on patrol near Quang Nam. Whisnan enlisted in the Marines in 1967. He was the 262nd Oregon man to die in the war and the 63rd this year.

From the Oregonian

Courtesy of
Darilee Bednar

Faces from the Wall


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Pfc Whisnan was killed during a squad patrol engagement while India 3/27 was participating in a sweep operation in the Phong Ho hamlet area about 13 kilometers south-southeast of Danang airfield. Two other Marines were wounded and four NVA soldiers were killed during the engagement.

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