Daniel Guy Wessler
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Vancouver, Washington
February 25, 1950 to March 19, 1969
DANIEL G WESSLER is on the Wall at Panel W29, Line 86
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Daniel G Wessler
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26 Jun 2001

I first met DANIEL GUY WESSLER at the track field in 1962 at McLoughlin Junior High School in Vancouver Wa. He did events like pole vaulting, broad jump, 100 yd. dash high hurdles, and 50 yd. dash high hurdles. Myself I did shot put and sometimes the 50 yd. dash. I attended a P.E. class and a Mechanical Drawing class with Danny while at McLoughlin Junior High School from 1962 - 1964. From there I was with him at Hudson's Bay High School from 1965 -1967. There I had P.E. again with him, as well as on the high school year book " The Aquila", where he did the sports section and I did the art and advertising. He was also on the high school wrestling team, and ran track. From there he went into the Marine Corps on the buddy system with another good friend of mine, Ronnie Joshua. They went through Boot Camp, ITR, and Advanced Infantry then on to Vietnam together. DANIEL GUY WESSLER, was one of the finest people that you'd ever had wanted to meet. Ever since that day the old Irish song "Danny Boy" about their loved one that went to war so many centuries ago, and never came back. "O' Danny boy, I love you so" --- The loss of DANIEL GUY WESSLER was felt all over Vancouver, Wa, and will be felt for many more years yet. Now may he rest in Peace and in the golden light of eternal Love, from now and for evermore!

Your friend,
Greg Payne
Gregory Payne
700 Veterans Drive, The Dalles, Or 97058


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 19 March 1969 2nd Plt, Golf Company, 2/4 Marines, lost three men while providing flank security for the bulk of the company:
Vancouver Marine is Viet victim - The Vietnam war has claimed the life of another Clark County serviceman. Marine officials said today, Killed in action was Pfc. Daniel G. Wessler. Wessler, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Wessler of 2300 E. 18th St., was killed 19 Mar (1969) in Quang Tri Province while on patrol. Marine officials said that Wessler, a life-long resident of Vancouver, sustained fatal injuries about the head and body when an enemy mine exploded. Wessler, a member of G Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, joined the Marine Corps last July and had been in Vietnam for about two months. The latest casualty brought to 46 the number of local servicemen killed in Vietnam - 26 more than the local men who were killed in the Korean War. Funeral services will be held at the Vancouver Funeral Chapel following return of the body from Vietnam.

(The Columbian, Vancouver WA, 24 Mar 1969)

Obituary text courtesy of
Darilee Bodnar

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