William Thomas Warren, Jr
Army of the United States
Louisville, Kentucky
April 13, 1949 to December 02, 1971
WILLIAM T WARREN Jr is on the Wall at Panel W2, Line 83
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Warren

William T Warren
164thcag.gif ABN-214THAVNBN.gif 114thahc.gif

11 Nov 2006

We LOVE you and MISS you very much!!!!!!!!!

From his wife, daughter, granddaughter, son-in-law, and "granddog",
Joyce, Tonya, Celine, Sam, And Kaya


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 02 Dec 1971 the 114th AHC was flying combat support for the 16th Regiment, 9th ARVN Division. After several insertions during the morning hours, the support package launched from the pick-up zone at 12:20 pm with a full load of fuel and troops and made another insertion. While enroute back to the PZ in a left echelon formation at about 1500 feet altitude the lead aircraft, UH-1H tail number 69-15777, made a deliberate turn to the left. The number two aircraft, UH-1H 68-16583, had a rotor collision with the lead aircraft. Lead's tail boom assembly was cut away, and #2 lost his main rotor.

The #2 aircraft, 68-16583, caught fire immediately after impact, rolled inverted, and remained in that attitude until ground impact. Although without directional control due to loss of the tail rotor, 69-15777's pilots were able to muscle the aircraft into a semi-controlled slow-speed crash. The four men aboard 69-15777 survived with injuries, but the crew of 68-16583 died in the crash. They were

  • WO Thomas H. Foley, Milwaukee, WI, pilot;
  • WO John M. Hiebert, Hesston, KS, copilot;
  • SGT Marvin R. Keeter, Fayetteville, AR, crew chief; and
  • SGT William T. Warren, Louisville, KY, gunner.

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