Michael John Wallace
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Ann Arbor, Michigan
November 21, 1939 to February 06, 1974
(Incident Date April 19, 1968)
MICHAEL J WALLACE is on the Wall at Panel 51E, Line 2
See the full profile or name rubbing for Michael Wallace

Michael J Wallace
ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png ARGT-11THAVNGROUP.png 228ashb.gif

17 Jan 2003

until we meet again in Heaven

Michael and his family, 1967
Michael, Christmas 1967
Michael, son John, and sister
Kathy, Christmas 1967

I am looking for my brother's Army buddies ...
if you were a friend of my brother's, please contact me.

God bless our Veterans!

From his baby sister,
Kathy Bouchard
9786 Peterson Rd, Brooklyn, MI 49230-8953

We have only two photos from Vietnam...


Notes from The Virtual Wall

Landing Zone Tiger was located in the upper reaches of the A Shau Valley. Following initial air assaults, larger helicopters were needed for resupply. Three of the aircraft, all hampered by sling loads, were shot down as they approached the LZ:
  • CH-47A (tail number 64-13124, A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Bn) received small arms fire from the ground and crashed. The pilot and co-pilot were able to crawl away from the wreckage, but three other crewmen were not found:
    • SSG Douglas Randolph Blodgett, gunner
    • SP5 William R. Dennis, flight engineer
    • SSG Jesus Armando Gonzalez, crew chief

  • CH-47A (tail number 66-19063, B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Bn) was hit by 37mm rounds in the aft pylon area during approach. The aircraft was in flames as it descended. The flight engineer and crew chief jumped while the aircraft was still 50 feet or more above the treetops. Their bodies were not found. The other three crewmen, although injured, survived the crash. Lost were

  • CH-54A (tail number 64-14205, 478th Avn Company (Heavy Helicopter) was on approach to the landing zone when an explosion occurred in the cockpit. The aircraft crashed against a cliffside about a mile distant from the LZ. The crash was not survivable. Four men were lost:
    • MAJ Arthur James Lord, pilot
    • CW4 Charles W. Millard, pilot
    • MSG Michael Ray Werdehoff, flight engineer
    • SP6 Philip Raymond Shafer, crew chief

At day's end, the heavy helicopter companies had five injured and nine missing in action. Four of the MIAs - Major Lord, CW4 Millard, MSG Werdehoff, and SP6 Shafer - have been repatriated; the five men from the two CH-47s remain among the missing as of 17 Jan 2003.

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