Thomas Joe Wade
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Antlers, Oklahoma
July 27, 1943 to November 20, 1967
THOMAS J WADE is on the Wall at Panel 30E, Line 51
See the full profile or name rubbing for Thomas Wade

Thomas J Wade
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Thomas J Wade


28 Jul 2002

Tom Wade and I were drafted in February 1967. I met Tom at Ft. Polk, LA, in basic training. We were sent to Ft. Gordan, GA, for airborne infantry A.I.T. We went to Ft. Benning, GA, for Jump School. We were both sent to Viet Nam in August 1967.

Tom was assigned to B Co, 4th Bn, 503rd Inf and I was assigned to A Co, 4th Bn, 503rd Inf. We were both on Hill 875 in Dak To in November 1967. Tom was killed by a mortar round in the early morning of November 20, 1967, while trying to take Hill 875. My son Melvin Wade Thomas, who is a Texas State Trooper, is named after Thomas Joe Wade.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

As noted above, PFC Thomas J. Wade died in the bitter fighting for Hill 875. Two Medals of Honor, three Distinguished Service Crosses, and numerous Silver and Bronze Stars were awarded the men who fought there between 19 and 23 November 1967 - but at least 127 Americans died there as well, with hundreds more wounded.

A summary of the battle and a listing of the men who died
during the fighting may be found on The Virtual Wall's
Hill 875 Memorial

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