Charles Nichol Tredinnick
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Dallas, Pennsylvania
December 13, 1934 to January 29, 1968
CHARLES N TREDINNICK is on the Wall at Panel 35E, Line 63
See the full profile or name rubbing for Charles Tredinnick

Charles N Tredinnick
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07 Jul 2002

They say that time heals all wounds, so why won't this one heal?

It's been over 34 years now and you are still in my dreams all the time. I still miss you so much. We used to talk about growing old together ... sitting on the front porch in our rockers and watching the rest of the world go by. It's not much fun sitting there alone.


A memorial from his widow,
Joy Tredinnick
deceased 28 March 2005


"Donï¿ 1/2 t worry 'bout me," he writes, "Iï¿ 1/2 m fine."
In the thick of the fighting in Vietnam
From his bunker at Khe Sanh.
"Donï¿ 1/2 t worry 'bout me, Iï¿ 1/2 ll be okay....
Only the good die young. Ha ha"

But, whoï¿ 1/2 s that knocking on my door?
Two men in uniform.
It must be a mistake, I tell myself.
But already I feel so forlorn.

Thereï¿ 1/2 s silence for a moment
When I open the door.
Then... "Iï¿ 1/2 m Lieutenant Greene."
"Oh, No" I cry, "Please tell me youï¿ 1/2 re not here for that!"
But the look on his face is my answer
For silence reigns supreme.

They are both so kind, and want to help
But there is no consolation,
When you lose the one love of your life,
There is nothing but desolation!

So, as the lonely days and nights pass,
And I re-read that letter.... his last,
I tell him, "Youï¿ 1/2 re right as always, my darling...
Only the very best die young."

Joy Keller Tredinnick
Copyright 1968

07 Jul 2002

At about 1000 29 Jan 1968 a mixed US/Bru patrol was ambushed about 2500 meters out from the perimeter of the Special Forces Forward Operating Base at Khe Sanh. Two survivors were picked up by helicopter and a decision was taken to insert a recovery team to recover the missing men. We launched at about 1125 and were inserted on the slope of Hill 471 - 8 Americans and 16 Bru.

The insertion was quiet, and Chuck took three Bru forward to look for the missing men. He didn't find them, but he did report large enemy forces moving toward our perimeter. He returned to the perimeter just before the enemy attacked in force. Chuck was shot in the chest while he was rallying and redeploying his men to meet the attack.

Many years later, the surviving US members of the team reunited, and the team Executive Officer, Captain H. E. 'Rip' VanWinkle, wrote a summary of the action on Hill 471, which I edited.

I was with Chuck when he died on Hill 471. I didn't know him well or long, but what I knew of him was all good. He died bravely in action, with his face to the enemy. His team and I will never forget him.

I join Chuck's widow and family in grieving for him, and remembering him, and our other good friends, American and Bru, who were wounded or killed that day.

Jim Taylor

12 Nov 2004


by an unknown family member,
Dennis L. Tredinnick

25 Feb 2005

Even though I have never gotten to meet him, and I wish I could have, he will still be remembered.

Brandi Tredinnick

14 Apr 2005

April 8, 2005, Arlington
A love story played out today . . .
Joy was laid to rest with her beloved Charles.
Together at last.

From a Tredinnick family friend,
Fran Doll

07 Jun 2007

My name is Jordon Tredinnick and I am 12 years old. I am the granddaughter of Ian Tredinnick.

I don't know if I am related to you or not but I would like to pay my condolences to you and your family, if I am a part of it or not.

I wish you to rest in peace and I hope we are related because I would love to know that I have your blood running through my veins.

Jordon Tredinnick


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Sergeant First Class Charles N. Tredinnick was buried in Site 11550, Section 33, of the Arlington National Cemetery. Mrs. Joy K. Tredinnick, who died on 28 March 2005, now rests with him.

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