Robert Brian Thomson
United States Marine Corps
Colorado Springs, Colorado
June 28, 1947 to February 16, 1968
ROBERT B THOMSON is on the Wall at Panel 39E, Line 67
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Thomson

Combat Action Ribbon
Robert B Thomson
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The Box Score Patrol

The events surrounding the Box Score patrol's engagement and the efforts to extract the team are a glowing example of Marine heroism under fire and were recognized as such at the time. Five of eight Box Score Team members, four aircrewmen from VMO-6, and one infantryman from Bravo 1/4 Marines died on 16 February 1968 and a number of others were wounded. The actions of the men involved in the engagement were recognized by one Medal of Honor, three Navy Crosses, five Silver Stars, and two Bronze Stars.

The Virtual Wall takes pride in honoring the Americans who died in the Box Score engagement, and through them the men who survived. Details of the engagement are published on the

Box Score Memorial Page

The following Marines are honored on The Virtual Wall:

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