Ricardo Robert Tejano
Warrant Officer
Army of the United States
Spokane, Washington
July 24, 1943 to June 05, 1968
RICARDO R TEJANO is on the Wall at Panel W60, Line 22
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ricardo Tejano

Expert with Rifle bar
Marksman with Pistol Bar
Ricardo R Tejano
ARGT-12THAVNGROUP.png ABN-214THAVNBN.gif 191stahc.gif

Ricardo R Tejano

The above record does not show his assignments between last entry above and start of tour in Vietnam, which was January 1, 1968. Those entries would be on a continuation page which we did not receive. Another site provided the following information.

Ricardo was born in Hamilton Montana, his family eventually settled in the Spokane--Colville area of Washington, which was where Ricardo was living in 1961 when he enlisted in the U.S. Army as a Radio Repairman.

Ricardo became a U.S. Army Warrant Officer and a Helicopter Pilot when he completed the Army's Warrant Officer Rotary Wing Aviator Course, graduating with the Flight School Class of 67-19. Shortly after graduating from Flight School, Ricardo was sent to Vietnam

He died from his wounds and burns received while Commander of military aircraft while on combat operation when the aircraft was hit by hostile ground fire and crashed. He was declared missing on 5 June and his status was changed to dead on June 10 and the family was notified on June 10. The four men who were killed in the crash were:

Ricardo was 24 years old at the time of his death, and he was survived by his wife Wanda R. Tejano, his son Ricardo R. Tejano, and his daughter Deborah A. Tejano of Spokane Washington, his father Guillermo Tejano of Seattle Washington, his step-father and mother Henry L and Lavina M.O. Boles of Colville Washington, three brothers Bill F. Tejano of Spokane Washington, Charlie R. Boles and Russell R. Boles of Colville Washington, and four sisters Connie Bolding of Spokane Washington, Barbara Boles and Charlene Boles of Colville Washington, and Torra Colvin of Moses Lake Washington.

WO Tejano is buried in Greenwood Memorial Terrace, Spokane Washington.

Ricardo R Tejano

- - The Virtual Wall, September 6, 2016

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