Craig Alan Sysak
Army of the United States
San Pedro, California
November 30, 1951 to January 09, 1971
CRAIG A SYSAK is on the Wall at Panel W5, Line 36
See the full profile or name rubbing for Craig Sysak

Craig A Sysak
usarv.gif 101abnsm.jpg 377artyrgt.gif

02 Sep 2003

Dear Craig.........

I still think of you after all these years. I go to visit the traveling Viet Nam Wall whenever it comes into town. I took my kids when they were younger and we penciled your name from the wall. I still have it and I made one for Jean. I remember our summer school days and high school when you cruised my house with Gunner. I remember my Dad was mad because the car was so noisy ... but that is such a sweet memory now. I'll always remember you young but I wish I had gotten the chance to know you as we all got older.

Love you ... up to the heavens and THANK YOU!!

E-mail address is not available.

19 May 2005

I didn't know him well but well enough. I was on the other helicopter that day. They covered for us to get out when we received heavy ground fire. I can not even think of why them and not me. But in all the years since this has happened I can still only say I wish it would of been me instead of Craig. Many years have passed, many more will, but know that he will never leave my heart till the day it stops.

Everett Thompson
Gunner, 377 Scouts forever

12 May 2007

Craig was my brother. Contact me at

From his brother,
Mike Sysak


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 09 Jan 1971 an OH-6A light observation helicopter (tail number 67-16239) of A Battery, 377th Artillery, launched on a recon mission in Quang Tri Province. The aircraft was crewed by
  • CW2 Gordon Lee Wirth, Jr, pilot;
  • Cpl Craig Alan Sysak, crew chief; and
  • SP4 David William Lilley, observer.
While operating at low altitude and slow speed, both necessary for visual reconnaissance, the OH-6 was engaged by enemy gunners and shot down about 3 kilometers northwest of the artillery base at Gia Linh. All three crewmen were killed.

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