Herbert Hoover Sweat, Jr
Army of the United States
Palatka, Florida
August 15, 1948 to February 21, 1969
HERBERT H SWEAT Jr is on the Wall at Panel W32, Line 74
See the full profile or name rubbing for Herbert Sweat

Herbert H Sweat
armyseal.gif usarv.gif ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png

03 Aug 2006

A Life's Deed Not To Be Forgotten

Our company, Wild Card C/2/12th Cav, First Cav,
was on operations outside of LZ Grant in Tay Ninh
Province. On February 21, 1969 we had requested
a dog and his handler to walk point.

CPL Herbert Hoover Sweat, Jr. and his
German Shepherd were assigned to our company.
While walking point for our company the dog froze
and alerted CPL Sweat to danger.

The alert triggered an NVA hail of bullets and explosions, and the next moment CPL Sweat was fatally shot, and died instantly. The slack man was wounded by a bullet that went through CPL Sweat. He survived and later returned to C Company. The big black dog was wounded and medevaced with PFC Sweat's body.

By foiling an ambush and alerting the rest of C Company, CPL Sweat and his dog saved many lives that day. CPL Sweat was 20 years old.

CPL Herbert Hoover Sweat, Jr.
KIA February 21, 1969
25th Infantry Platoon - Scout Dog
Assigned as Dog Handler with
C 2/12 Cav
First Air Cavalry Division

From a member of Co C 2nd 12th Cav First Cav on Feb 21, 1969.
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The Vietnam Dog Handlers Association memorial indicates that Corporal Sweat was assigned to the 34th Infantry Platoon (Scout Dog). Both the 25th and 34th IPSDs served with the 1st Cavalry Division, but records in the Central Identification Laboratory Hawaii and Saigon Mortuary databases say Cpl Sweat was with the 25th IPSD.

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