Robert Ray Swain
Staff Sergeant
United States Marine Corps
Muncie, Indiana
March 04, 1936 to December 28, 1969
ROBERT R SWAIN is on the Wall at Panel W15, Line 105
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Swain

Combat Aircrew
Robert R Swain
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01 Mar 2006

You are my grandfather, oh how I wish I could have known you... My mother has always kept you alive in our hearts.

From his granddaughter,
Alexis Nistok

06 Jun 2006

Bob, I think of you often, and wish you were around. You were a great friend.

Your friend,
Oscar Lopez

Oscar and June Lopez
4438 East 100 N, Bluffton, In 46714

10 Jul 2006

Robert Ray Swain, you are never forgotten by your family, friends, and loved ones. We think about you daily and thank you and everyone in the Armed Servies for your courage and strength.

Love always,
your son
Harry Robert Swain (Bobby)
10601 119th Street, Seminole Fl 33778

28 Jul 2006

Daddy, I miss you more then I can say with words. It has sometimes ruled my life, it made me ill and I spent time in hospital to find my way. I remember all we talked about before you left. I was not able to be the man of the house. I do not think I took care of mommy well.

All I can say is I will never forget you nor will your grandaughters or your great-grandsons. I won't let that happen. And yes, I married a Naval Officer - 25 years and counting.

Mom gave me things of yours and I am going to give some of them to the National Marine Corps Museum so all Purple Foxes can see them.

I love you. Jenny

From his eldest daughter,
Jennifer Lynn Swain Dollard

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