Jack Donald Sundquist
Army of the United States
Salt Lake City, Utah
October 12, 1938 to March 27, 1968
JACK D SUNDQUIST is on the Wall at Panel 46E, Line 51
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Jack D Sundquist
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1 Mar 2004

Jack, my ole Fort Campbell flying buddy, you took me up in your Mohawk and wrung me out. I was airsick for the first time in my life. Our families were good friends. It has been since 1965, when I shipped out with the 1st Air Cav, but it seems like yesterday, talking and party, party at the "O" club.

I made it through two tours, and wished you could have. I think about your family often, and all that they have missed without your presence. God rest your soul, we will meet again.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 27 March 1968 a UH-1C (tail number 66-15055) from B Troop, 1/9 Cavalry, was conducting an armed reconnaissance mission in Thua Thien Province in northern South Vietnam. While enroute, with the helicopter in a left bank at about 50 feet altitude and 60 knots, it took 10 hits from 7.62mm automatic weapon fire. Major Sundquist, who was flying as copilot (right seat) on the flight, was hit and fatally wounded.

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