Stanley Grant Strong
United States Marine Corps
Covina, California
October 26, 1946 to March 06, 1968
STANLEY G STRONG is on the Wall at Panel 43E, Line 35
See the full profile or name rubbing for Stanley Strong

Combat Action Ribbon
Stanley G Strong
3rdmaf.gif 3mardiv.gif 26thmarines.gif

14 Aug 2002

Stan was a friend to many he met. He graduated from
Charter Oak High School in Covina, CA in 1965. Although I didn't get to
spend much time with him outside of school, he was a faithful
friend. I heard of Stan's loss shortly before I was headed
for Vietnam.

From a friend,
Donald J Luke

The photo is from his junior year at Charter Oak.

13 Aug 2003

Stanley Strong went to Charter Oak High School, along with his wife, Dolly Dunn Strong, and our other friends. I was a bridesmaid to his wife at their beautiful wedding, and I remember that they honeymooned at Yosemite, and had an accident on their honeymoon. A year later, the unthinkable happened ... Stanley was killed in Nam. I went to his funeral at the same church where he and Dolly had been married. It was one of the saddest days I could imagine.

Stanley had actually known he would die in active service in the Marines and he had drawn a beautiful, touching picture commemorating his own death, which was on his funeral announcement. He had drawn this picture several years before he gave his life for his country. He was spiritual, prophetic, and so dedicated to his country ... and a truly loving husband ... he wrote Dolly so many loving letters while he was in the Marines, and she used to read them to me. No one who really knew Stanley will ever forget this young, vibrant, purehearted, spiritual man among men.

Marcia Farr Ambler, Class of '65

7 Dec 2004

Stan was a friend of mine who died in Vietnam. We went to Marine boot camp at MCRD San Diego as part of the San Gabriel Valley "Desert Valley Platoon". Out of a platoon of 82 Marines that graduated from boot camp in September 1965, 80 Marines went to Vietnam after completing advanced infantry training and MOS training; Stan and I were assigned duty stations on the East Coast as 0141's. I remember Stan came down from Quantico and visited me at Marine Barracks, Norfolk, Virginia, before I went to Vietnam. That was the last time I saw Stan. He was a happy funny guy. I served in Vietnam from July 1966 until August 1967. Stan was sent to Vietnam with less than a year remaining on his enlistment. I had heard, correct me if I am wrong, that he was wounded at Khe Sanh from earlier action and was flown to the hospital ship USS REPOSE , in DaNang Harbor for medical treatment. Stan was returning to Khe Sanh when the C-123 he was on was hit by enemy fire and crashed. I found this The Virtual Wall of Stan Strong by chance when I was looking for information online at work. At his The Virtual Wall I was able to learn more about Stan, his family and his service to our country. Semper Fi Stan! You are not forgotten.

From a Marine friend,
Gary L. Koupal
Sergeant USMC
34132 Selva Road #256, Dana Point, Ca 92629

02 Jan 2006

My name is John Carpenter. Stan and I were grade school friends. During my 40th high school reunion this year, several classmates commented about Stan and how he had been lost in Viet Nam. I was unaware of the details until I came across his Memorial. The explanation of the aircraft crash is most captivating and most touching.

Stan and I grew up together in Woodstock, Vermont, in the 50's and 60's. We were friends as well as classmates and I remember him as being soft spoken, calm, smart, and a boy who was very level headed. He left Woodstock Union High School, Class of '65 in his sophomore year and moved to California. We kept contact for a short time but gradually lost touch.

Even though Stan did not graduate with our class, he will always be fondly remembered. In our minds, he is remembered not only because he was one of the good guys, but for his supreme sacrifice for this country and also because he was our only classmate lost in Viet Nam.

I don't think too many of his friends know that many of his formative years began in Vermont. Thanks for all your caring efforts regarding our friend.

John Carpenter

24 Sep 2006

Stan was one of my very good buddies at Charter Oak High School. I never realized, or maybe didn't remember until reading here, that Stan transferred to Charter Oak in his sophmore year. I also transferred in my sophmore year. I'll always remember the day in the quad area at school when Stan and his friend announced that they had "enlisted" in the Marines. Seems like nothing really sinks in at that age, other than the drama of the moment. After graduation and a short stint at Mt. Sac Jr. College, I enlisted in the Air Force. I last saw Stan at Mt. Sac during my Summer session. He was in uniform. That was my last memory.

I have never forgotten Stan. He was one of those "Noble" fellows. When I think of the phrase "pure of heart" I think of Stan. His family had a history of public service. I remember visiting Stan's home in Covina once, and saw pictures of one of his brothers in a highway patrol uniform. It seemed so appropriate at the time that he would choose the Marine Corps.

I'd invite anyone to call if they want to chat. Marcia Farr Ambler and I are members of an email group of about 8 who hung together at Charter Oak. We've talked about Stan and Dolly on occasion, and again, when I think about that period in our lives, I always think of Stan.

From a high school friend and fellow Vet,
Al Sterling (was Al Priebe)
South Orange County, Ca
(949) 305-0488


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 06 March 1968, a C-123K PROVIDER, tail number 54-0590, was conducting a personnel transport mission from Danang to the besieged combat base at Khe Sanh. The aircraft carried a crew of four and a number of passengers.

On arrival, the C-123 was forced into a go-around situation when a small plane landed in front of it. During the go-around the C-123 was hit in the right turbine by enemy ground fire and crashed in flames outside the defensive perimeter.

Due to enemy action, the crash site could not be reached until 25 March 1968, when Echo Company 2/3 Marines located the wreckage. Search parties went back on 26 April, 24 June, and 3 July, and on each occasion recovered human remains, dog tags and other identification. The remaining wreckage was demolished prior to the departure of the last search party.

Only 19 of the men aboard could be individually identified, and no evidence of two men known to be aboard could be found amongst the recovered material. The remains of the individually unidentified men were buried at Jefferson Barracks near Saint Louis.

Further information and the names of those who died in the crash are available on our memorial page at C-123 Down!

The remains of
Stanley G. Strong,
Corporal, United States Marine Corps,
were buried on 23 November 1968 in Plot 81 0 327-329,
Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery,
St. Louis, Missouri,
among other men of honor and integrity.

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