Robert Allen Strange
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Northville, Michigan
November 15, 1946 to July 12, 1967
ROBERT A STRANGE is on the Wall at Panel 23E, Line 64
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Strange


19 Mar 2002

Our family remembers you as "a boy down the street" on Trinity Avenue in Detroit in the 50's, and an elementary school classmate of my older brother, Lawrence G. "Larry" Helm (10/10/46-5/15/2000).

You will not be forgotten.

From a former neighbor,
Katherine Helm Rose

17 Jan 2003

We played hockey just about every night at the Trahey's on Trinity street in Detroit in the late 50s. Bobby was often the goalie, but usually without any goalie pads. We froze, and we played, and we froze some more, but we were boys, and we could take it. Little Bobby Strange, the fearless goalie without any pads. That is how I will always remember you, Bobby, in a better time, so long ago.

Edward O'Donnell
Brighton, Michigan
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 12 July 1967, the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry, was engaged in the Ia Drang Valley by a battalion or larger force from the 66th NVA Regiment. When engaged, the 1/12's three rifle companies were physically separated, allowing the enemy force to attack the companies individually - B Company and C Company were isolated and taken under attack. Although C Company suffered only minor losses (5 wounded and none killed), B Company took heavy losses. PFC Robert Strange was one of 33 men who died that day.

Additional information and a full listing of the casualties is on
The Virtual Wall's C/1/12 Infantry Memorial

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