Louis Daniel Springer
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Dallas, Texas
May 03, 1947 to July 12, 1967
LOUIS D SPRINGER is on the Wall at Panel 23E, Line 64
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Louis D Springer
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23 May 2001

In Honor of my dear sweet cousin. He was more than a cousin, he was like a brother. My fond memories of him and those to come were cut short by his death in 1967. He had a twin sister, they were so very close and she has never gotten over his tragic death. I thank the Lord for allowing Louis into our lives, even though it was for such a short time. He was a blessing to all of us, to know him was to love him.

Denise Dworaczyk
E-mail address is not available.

28 Feb 2007

This year will be the 40th anniversary of the homegoing of my beloved twin brother, Louis. I remember that he loved playing "Army" as a young boy on our farm in the White Rock Lake area of Dallas. He had many good friends who loved to work on cars and ride around White Rock Lake on horseback with him.

Mom never got over the loss of her only son. We went to the cemetery every day for the first year - always leaving flowers on his grave.

I am comforted by the assurance from the Word of God that they are now together in heaven and that I will one day be reunited with them through our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

I would love to hear from anyone who knew Louis.

From his twin sister,
Lou Ann Springer Rogers
E-mail address is not available.

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