Boyd Wayne Smith
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Knoxville, Tennessee
December 14, 1947 to May 05, 1970
BOYD W SMITH is on the Wall at Panel W11, Line 106
See the full profile or name rubbing for Boyd Smith


01 Mar 2008

Wayne - I never knew his first name was Boyd until he died - was my OCS classmate and later roommate when we were both somehow assigned to Fort Sill instead of helicopter training as we thought we were to be. He was the typical Southern boy and I the kid from Maine - an unusual encounter made possible by militrary service. His burst-through-the-door presence, his laugh, his "You have to be sh-tting me" attitude, made everyone around shake their head and chuckle. He came from a great family who shared their home and heart with me when I visited before we both left for RVN - the last time I saw Wayne. He was lost in Cambodia, a mission we never had. I can't hear of Knoxville or see a Tennessee sports team on TV that I do not think of him and his family. Know that we remember Wayne and we are thankful for the good times and the friendship you provided in the brief time we knew you. God bless Mr and Mrs Smith who suffered the greatest loss possible.

From a friend,
Bob Hodges
1641 Livorna Road, West Alamo, Ca. 94507


A Note from The Virtual Wall

B Company, 2/47th Infantry, lost six men on 05 May 1970 when their personnel carrier struck a mine north of Katum, SVN:
  • 1LT Boyd W. Smith, Knoxville, TN;
  • SP4 Jack D. Leopard, Tulsa, OK;
  • PFC John R. Feeser, Philadelphia, PA;
  • PFC Roger E. Holler, Long Prairie, MN;
  • PFC James M. Keller, Rockland, MA; and
  • PFC Robert W. Worthington, Trenton, NJ.

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