James Robert Shaw
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Clovis, California
July 09, 1948 to January 08, 1971
JAMES R SHAW is on the Wall at Panel W5, Line 34
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Shaw

James R Shaw
americal.gif 11infbde.gif 21stinfrgt.gif

01 October 2001

You will always be remembered.

From his parents,
Jim and Gelia Shaw
E-mail address is not available.

03 October 2001

Jim (Doc) Shaw was my replacement as a platoon medic in C Company, 4/21. Since I served with both the 3rd and 4th platoons and since it has been so many years, I can't remember for sure which platoon he was with when he was KIA. I remember clearly the day I received word of his death. I was on standdown with Bravo Company when the word was passed. I knew Jim at Fort Lee Va and then when he was transferred to 4/21. I have tried to contact his family over the years. Jim had a significant impact in my life.

Don Kincaid

5 June 2002

To Jim
I will remember you, always ...
I think of you often ...
You are always in my heart!

E-mail address is not available.

January 9, 2003

Dear Mickey & Jim,

We thank you, our friends (Ed's for over 50 years), for the gift of a gallant son. There are no words to express the gratitude one feels for those who were willing to risk their lives that others might live in freedom.

Lovingly in Christ,

Ed and Lynda Stankey
San Clemente, CA

12 Mar 2004

My name is Lance Corporal Jonathan Sotelo.
I did not know Jim but seeing this web page reminds me of why I serve this country.
Because I admire the BRAVE soldiers that fought before me.
I am a US Marine and I fought in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
I want to thank his family for having a son who had the guts to fight
and pay the ultimate sacrifice for this great country.
Thank you, Jim, where ever you are.
Semper Fi.

From a fellow serviceman,
Lance Corporal Jonathan Sotelo
301 West Swift Ave, Clovis Ca 93612

20 Apr 2005

I am Sammy Serrano. I knew Jim very well - I was with him when he died. I remember everything about that day. I was the medic for the 4th Platoon of his company. He was and is my brother - a very nice guy. He is a hero. I am going to remember him forever - I'll see you in glory, brother.

From a friend and brother in God,
Samuel Serrano
534 West Beacon Rd, Lakeland, Fl. 33803


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Charlie Company, 4/21st Infantry, lost four men on 08 Jan 1971:
  • SSG Dennis R. Watterson, Oildale, CA
  • CPL Robert D. Duff, Cainsville, MO
  • SP4 James R. Shaw, Clovis, CA
  • CPL Robert L. Walker, Vandergrift, PA
SP4 Shaw, although with Charlie Company, actually was assigned to HHC, 4/21st Infantry.

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