Roger Dale Segers
Army of the United States
Altha, Florida
July 22, 1944 to July 14, 1967
ROGER D SEGERS is on the Wall at Panel 23E, Line 71
See the full profile or name rubbing for Roger Segers

Roger D Segers
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I served with Roger Segers and I was with him when he died.

Many times over the years I have wondered and asked
why I was chosen and you were not.
I came home and you did not.

I have wondered what great things you might have done that I have not,
just because I was chosen to live and you were not.

I do not have the answers to these questions; I think that God only knows,
though I pray that someday when I go to my eternal home,
you will be there to welcome me -- home.

To me you are more than just a name upon this wall,
for you had hopes and dreams like us all.
We gave some, but you gave all and you did not die in vain
because we still live in the greatest free nation in this world.

So good-bye my friend, good-bye until we meet again.

Lonnie Frye
Camden, Indiana 46917

P.S. I'm sorry it took me so many years to write this letter to you.

Roger Dale Segers,
youngest child of
Alma and Willie Segers,
Corporal, Army of the United States,
rests in the
Chipola Cemetery, Calhoun County, Florida.

Visit the
Mobile Riverine Forces Association
and the
15th Combat Engineers

A memorial from a comrade,
Lonnie Frye
Camden, In 46917 
16 Sep 2001

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