Richard William Scoby
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
Hoquiam, Washington
July 11, 1948 to December 23, 1970
RICHARD W SCOBY is on the Wall at Panel W5, Line 3
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Scoby


02 Dec 2003


DADDY 2003

I will not let you go
Into the still darkness of night,
Without my heart screaming "NO!",
And my voice burning bright.

Let all who hear,

Upon the battlefield your blood did flow,
Your spirit leaving me for the light.

Daddy, don't go
Into the still darkness of night,
Without forever holding me tight...

Written by T. Barnes,
Proud Daughter of SSG Richard W. Scoby,
December 2, 2003


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The following are taken with permission from the
Faces from the Wall
web site:

Harbor Man Dies in Viet

Word was received yesterday of the death of S-Sgt. Richard Scoby, 22, who was killed 23 Dec (1970), while on a military mission when his group encountered hostile forces, the Army said. Sgt. Scoby, a member of Company C, 31st Engineer Battalion, was on his third tour of Vietnam. He had been awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge, the Army commendation Medal and Citation for Meritious Service and the Purple Heart. He had also served with two different units which had been awarded the Presidential Unit Citation. He had arrived in Vietnam Oct. 1. Born in Aberdeen 11 Jul 1948, he later attended the Wishkah Valley High School, where he graduated in 1966. The same year he entered the Army. He was a member of the Aberdeen Veterans of Foreign Wars. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn Ann, and daughter Tammy Odette, Rt 2 Box 184, Hoquiam; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Scobet, a sister, Mrs. John White, all of Hoquiam; a brother Washington State Trooper Ronald M. Scoby, Sultan, and a step-grandmother, Mrs. Elnora Ethell, Klamath Falls OR.

(The Daily World, Aberdeen WA, 28 Dec 1970)

S-Sgt. Richard Scoby

Funeral Services for S-Sgt. Richard Scoby will be 11 am Saturday in the Coleman Chapel with full military honors furnished by the Ft. Lewis Survival Assistance Office. Interment will follow in the Dryad Cemetery. In addition to other survivors previously listed, he is survived by an uncle, C. H. Scoby of Aberdeen, and several nieces and nephews.

(The Daily World, Aberdeen WA, 30 Dec 1970)

Private Ervin J. Murrell of Birmingham, Alabama, died in the same incident.

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