Ronald Paul Schworer
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Las Vegas, Nevada
July 09, 1946 to April 10, 1968
(Incident Date April 09, 1967)
RONALD P SCHWORER is on the Wall at Panel 49E, Line 15
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ronald Schworer

Ronald P Schworer
usarv.gif 9infdiv.gif 47thinfrgt.gif

08 Jul 2000

Ronald P. Schworer
and the other men of
9th Infantry Division, 4/47th Battalion, C Company - 2nd Platoon -
"Mobile Riverine Force". Area of Operation: Mekong Delta.

Ron Schworer was another fine young man caught up in the draft in May of 1966. He ended up with the rest of us at Fort Riley, Kansas, as the 9th Infantry Division was reactivated for Viet Nam duty. Ron was right there with us, experiencing Basic Training, Advanced Infantry Training, hot and cold miserable Kansas weather, the train trip to Oakland, California, the troop ship to Vung Tau, and stomping through the rice paddies, swamps and jungles of the Mekong Delta. He was right there with us, with Lieutenant Jack Benedick's 2nd Platoon.

I clearly remember Ron as a very quiet and intellectual guy who had a big interest in computing and electronics. Everyone who really knew him had no doubt that a tremendous future lay ahead for him.

Recently, a fellow 2nd Platoon friend, Bill Varsafsky, and I exchanged memories via e-mail regarding the circumstances that led to Ron's loss. For some long forgotten reason, I did not go out on that particular patrol, but I do remember everone talking about Ron and feeling terrible about what happened that day.

While on a routine patrol (Sunday, 04/09/1967) searching out Viet Cong in the swamps of the Rung Sat, the 2nd Platoon soldiers were crossing a small river when several of our choppers mistook the men for the enemy. As the choppers momentarily opened fire, everyone scrambled for safety except Frank Modde who was helping Ron cross the river on a raft. Frank somehow managed to reach shore, but Ron did not and he was lost to friendly fire or by drowning. Everyone searched and searched, but Ron was lost and he was gone forever.

I believe follow up searches were conducted and every effort was expended to find him.

It's my understanding that one year later, the US Army changed his status from "Missing in Action" and declared him "Killed in Action".

Ronald Paul Schworer's body was never recovered.

Bill Reynolds

P.S. If other Charlie Company soldiers read this and can add to the story, it would be very much appreciated.
Also, I must sadly report that Frank Modde lost his life in a motorcycle mishap in the early 1970's.


Homage To A Fallen Comrade

Ronald Schworer, whom we all came to love and respect, this is our humble way to pay tribute to you.

On May 16, 1966, you and I traveled together from Las Vegas to Los Angeles to be sworn in as members of the United States Army. Once sworn in, our journey began - Induction Station at Fort Bliss, Texas, Basic and Advanced Infantry Training at Fort Riley, Kansas, and finally, patrolling for the elusive Viet Cong in the Mekong Delta, South Vietnam.

The physical demands in Basic and A.I.T. brought out the best and the worst in us. What you lacked in physical attributes were more than compensated with such qualities as your untiring effort to excel, your mental toughness and your loyalty to your comrades as evidenced by your refusal to discharge from the Army upon your father's death. Those qualities, and more, were manifested in the Mekong Delta where you exemplified the true definition of a soldier - always the first in formation, always taking your malaria pill without being ordered, and after spending many days and nights on patrol you would be the only one to clean your weapon immediately upon return, you always had a spare pair of dry socks available, and your living area was always squared away.

You never ceased to amaze me, the unassuming manner of how you dealt with the most stressful environment known to man, how you diligently wrote your family and stayed in constant communication with the University of Nevada Las Vegas for status assurances where you intended to attend upon E.T.S.

Your goals were cut short by the War Gods because they wanted you in heaven - in God's Army.

Ron, your name and the other 58,174 names on "The Wall" are the true and brave patriots. You have paid the ultimate price. Today, your Unit - Charlie Company, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, pay homage and salute you.

Rest in peace, Warrior ... you did good.

Willie McTear gave this speech at Charlie Company's Reunion
Saturday, July 21, 2001.

Soldiers of Charlie Company
4th Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division
memorialized on The Virtual Wall include
1LT Charles D Black
13 April 1967
SP4 Marion T Eakins
11 July 1967
SP4 Philip A Ferro
11 July 1967
SP4 William M Geier
19 June 1967
SGT Elmer F Kenney
11 July 1967
SP4 Donald M Peterson
15 May 1967
SP4 Ronald P Schworer
09 Apr 1967
SSGT George E Smith
11 July 1967
CPL Harold W King
11 July 1967
SP5 James M Sunday
25 Sep 1967
  CPL Cecil Benny Bridges
29 Jul 1967

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