Robert Edward Ryan
First Lieutenant
United States Air Force
Hingham, Massachusetts
August 05, 1947 to October 30, 1971
ROBERT E RYAN is on the Wall at Panel W2, Line 56
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Ryan


21 Nov 2002

Bob and I were friends. We met when we were both stationed at Nakon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base in Thailand. We both flew combat missions in Laos and Cambodia. The night Bob passed away, I was sitting in the cockpit of my EC-47 getting ready to taxi for takeoff. I was told by the ground controller to hold my position for a taxiing helicopter. As it passed by my location, I could see what I later learned was Bob laid out on the floor of the helicopter. It was a sad sight and the first time the reality of war came to me. I often grieved over his young family and the impact of their tremendous loss. May God bless them mightily for all time to cover the loss of their father and husband.

From a friend,
Vincent J. (Vince) Lewis
Lt. Col. USAF (Ret.)

28 Jun 2004

It has "only" been 33 years since Bob died. I miss him every day. He was a wonderful friend and husband to me. Mere words cannot express the fun and joy and touching moments we shared.

Bob was 24 years old and an orphan the day he died. He had no children. He was a 1969 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy.

I remarried a few years later. My husband and our children have listened to so many stories about Bob. Soon after The Wall opened my husband planned a family trip to Washington DC. It was so hard for me. My husband has made Bob so much a part of our family history. I am old enough now to be Bob's mother.

Someday I won't cry anymore.

From his wife,
Barbara Linnane Ryan Guest
3005 Duffield Drive, Greensboro, Nc 27410


A Note from The Virtual Wall

1st Lt Ryan was flying as a Forward Air Controller in an O-2A (tail number O-2A 67-21439) when he was shot down near Savannaket in southern Laos. He was the recipient of two Distinguished Flying Crosses and multiple awards of the Air Medal.

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