Albert Wayne Romine
Army of the United States
Burlingame, Kansas
March 01, 1945 to May 16, 1968
ALBERT W ROMINE is on the Wall at Panel 61E, Line 18
See the full profile or name rubbing for Albert Romine


21 Oct 2005

While working on my family tree genealogy, I came across your name showing that you had been killed in Viet Nam. I am your 2nd cousin. I was in Viet Nam, also.

We will all be welcomed home some day.

Glad I came across your name, cousin.

Steven Cox
Redondo Beach, California

04 Jun 2007

Albert (Wayne) Romine was an uncle of mine and he is buried at Harveyville, Kansas.

E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On the night of 15/16 May 1968 a squad from C Company 1/12 Infantry manning an observation post near Landing Zone Brillo, about 10km south-southwest of Polei Kleng, came under attack by a company of North Vietnamese regulars. Then-SP4 Albert Romine was one member of the squad. The Associated Press reported the incident as follows:

SAIGON, May 16 (AP) - North Vietnamese troops advanced in darkness about 20 miles west of the city of Kontum today and opened fire with mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, flame throwers and small arms fire on a patrol base and an outpost of the United States 4th Infantry Division.

The defenders retaliated with mortars and artillery, and Air Force planes armed with rapid firing guns sprayed thousands of rounds into the enemy positions under the light of flares.

As dawn broke, the North Vietnamese pulled back, but an hour later they renewed the mortar attack. Sporadic shelling continued during the day.

Initial reports said that four United States soldiers had been killed and 22 wounded. Enemy casualties could not be determined.

A reaction force was sent from LZ Brillo and was able to break through the NVA attackers long enough to allow the surviving members of the OP squad to withdraw from their position. Although the wounded were brought out it was not possible to recover the dead:

  • SSG David W. Hendle, Massillon, OH, E Company
  • SGT Anund C. Roark, San Diego, CA, C Company (Medal of Honor)
  • SGT Albert W. Romine, Burlingame, KS, C Company
  • SP4 John Rotonnelli, New York, NY, HQ Company
All four men were initially carried as missing in action. Available information indicates that all four bodies were later recovered - SGT Roark and SP4 Romine on 31 May 1968, and SSG Hendle and SP4 Rotonnelli on a date unknown.

At this point matters regarding Roark and Romine get confused. The POW Network biographies for the two men contain the following text:

SYNOPSIS: On May 16, 1968 Cpl. Albert W. Romine and Sgt. Anund C. Roark were on an operation with their unit a few miles southeast of the city of Kontum in Kontum Province, South Vietnam.

Although U.S. Army information is sketchy, apparently Roark and Romine were in close proximity when Roark threw himself on an incoming grenade to shield others in the unit. Both Roark and Romine were reported to be killed (and possibly others), but no remains were recovered at that time. Romine, at least, was held for an unspecified period in Missing in Action status before a finding of death was made.

On May 31, 1968, remains were recovered which were given to the Than San Nhut [sic] Mortuary on June 2. Eleven years later, on November 11, 1979, these remains were identified as being those of Roark and Romine, and returned to their families for burial. According to the Army's DD-1300 (death certificate), however, the remains were identified on the same day they were recovered - May 31, 1968.

Although there are minor inaccuracies in the POW Network text - for example, Romine was amongst the besieged while Roark was with the relief force - the primary point made is that while all four bodies were recovered, apparently Roark and Romine were not returned for burial until 11 years later. No such problem is reported with respect to Hendle or Rotonnelli.

Sergeant Roark's name is engraved on the National Memorial of the Pacific ("Wall of the Missing"), but The Virtual Wall staff could not determine if SP4 Romine's name appears there as well. Sergeant Roark is buried in the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, but the date of burial is not known. Romine received a posthumous promotion to Sergeant.

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