James Bill Rogoff
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Kerman, California
August 28, 1933 to January 30, 1966
JAMES B ROGOFF is on the Wall at Panel 4E, Line 121
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Rogoff

James B Rogoff
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James B Rogoff


06 Jul 2001

we all miss you.

From one who remembers

27 Mar 2004

"Mom, why are you crying?" six-year old Vera asked as her mother hung up the phone. "My brother Jimmy is dead." she said and went to sit down at the kitchen table, putting her head in her hands, weeping. Vera burst out crying and ran to her room, throwing herself on the bed. She cried and cried, telling God she didn't want her mom's brother Jimmy to be dead and she didn't want her mom crying so hard. Her heart was broken even though she wasn't sure she knew or remembered who Uncle Jimmy was. All she knew was that his death brought pain and heartache to her mother and to her own heart and she wanted him to not be dead any more.

Uncle Jim, My Mother's Brother

Uncle Jim my mother's brother
I was too young to know
But I remember the day she got the call
Which brought her spirits low

I heard not the voice on the other line
But I sensed the fear and the dread
I shall never forget my mother's tears
When told that her brother was dead

Mom how did he die? I innocently asked
She said he died in the war
I ran to my room and cried out to God
Make this stop Please God no more!

But for Uncle Jim and others too
My prayer came too late
Death by a bullet in a faraway land
Was to be my uncle's fate

God grant him rest and eternal peace
Jesus hold him near
He may just be a name on a Wall to some
But his family had loved him dear

Dedicated to James B. Rogoff
28 August 1933 - 30 January 1966

From a niece.

12 May 2006

Jimmy Rogoff was a member of my squad. We spent many nights sharing the same foxhole, although his regular foxhole buddy was Hagey, who was later killed in May 1966. Jimmy was always good for a cup of coffee during the middle of the night, as he brewed enough for himself and his foxhole buddy. As we drank the coffee we would talk. I will forever remember him.

From a friend,
Tony Japuntich
Cordele, Ga


A Note from The Virtual Wall

According to David Sigler's "Vietnam Battle Chronology" elements of the 1st Cavalry Division engaged the 7th and 9th Battalions, 33rd NVA Regiment, near the hamlet of Cu Nghi about eight miles north of Bong Son in Binh Dinh. The bloody fight began on 28 Jan 1966 and continued for three days. Although Sigler says 121 Americans died in the fighting, the casualty database lists 57 hostile-fire deaths in Binh Dinh Province during those three days; of these, 17 were from 2nd Bn, 12th Cavalry. Eight of the 17 were from SP4 Rogoff's Bravo Company 2/12:
  • SSG Jack Johnson, New York, NY
  • SSG Bernard J. Wait, Troy, NY
  • SGT Marvin L. Lindley, Spanish Fork, UT (Silver Star)
  • SGT Jack Thomas, Fort Jackson, SC
  • SP4 David D. Gensemer, Little Rock, AR
  • SP4 James B. Rogoff, Kerman, CA
  • SP4 Robert L. Smith, Welch, WV
  • PFC Eugene T. McCoy, Moulton, IA

These men, and others of the 5th and 12th Cavalry, are remembered on the
2nd Brigade, 1st Air Cavalry Division site

The photo is taken from that site.

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