Sammy Pina Rodriguez
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
San Antonio, Texas
August 27, 1950 to August 08, 1970
SAMMY P RODRIGUEZ is on the Wall at Panel W8, Line 95
See the full profile or name rubbing for Sammy Rodriguez


13 Sep 2001

You made the ultimate sacrifice
and it did not go unnoticed.

I thank you and salute you.

Leilah Ash Ward
Hollywood, Florida

01 May 2006

I am an Army cadet at the University of Texas at Austin and am writing to say thank you for defending freedom. You made the ultimate sacrifice to defend freedom and what the United States stands for. I am also a specialist in the Army Corps of Engineers and a combat veteran from a tour of duty in Iraq. I know how it is to be enlisted and I know that we never get any recognition if we don't have brass on our collars. I want to tell you that you are a hero to me and to everyone else who wears the uniform of a soldier in the United States military.

From a fellow serviceman,
Harold Lopez

22 Jan 2007

I met your family in Wendell, Idaho. I surely hope that you are the same, one and only Sammy Rodriquez that they loved so much. Your brother Daniel Rodriquez spoke highly of you. My son married your niece, Delia Rodriquez. I hope that I can meet you personally when you are resurrected into a peaceful Paradise Earth where "War will be no more." Sleep in peace, our dear one, Jehovah will soon welcome you back in the resurrection.

From a friend,
Rena S. Mitchell
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Five men were aboard a UH-1 HUEY (tail number 66-00692, 173rd Assault Helicopter Company) which was shot down and burned during a combat assault outside of Bu Dop on 08 August 1970:
  • WO Jimmy Graham was the Aircraft Commander and survived.
  • 1LT Jol Smith was the copilot and died in the crash.
  • SP4 Bill Barritt was injured and died of his wounds on 14 August 1970.
  • SP4 Sammy Rodriguez died in the crash.
  • Captain William W. Walker, A Co, 5th Special Forces Group, died in the crash.
The Virtual Wall thanks
Frank Byrd,,
of the 173rd AHC for the crew list and details.

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