Donald Louis Rissi
Lieutenant Colonel
United States Air Force
Collinsville, Illinois
March 20, 1931 to December 18, 1972
DONALD L RISSI is on the Wall at Panel W1, Line 95
See the full profile or name rubbing for Donald Rissi


10 Jun 2004

To whom it may concern,

I am a friend of the son of LtCol Donald L. Rissi and I would like it very much if you added him to your page.

Mr. Rissi is supposed to be on Panel 01W-Row 095.

Thank you very much for helping me to get LtCol Donald Louis Rissi added to your site.

Randy Heubner
Charlie Company 2nd/327th Infantry
101st Airborne Division
Vietnam Veteran 70-71

21 Feb 2005

Donald Rissi was an incredible man,
He was a loving father,
A devoted husband,
He loved to fish and enjoy the outdoors.
I wish I could remember more....
But I was only 10.
I am his son and still miss him.

Stephen J. Rissi


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The "Christmas bombing" of North Vietnam began on the night of 18/19 Dec 1972 with a total of 129 B-52 bombers directed against a number of high-value targets in and around Hanoi. The operation consisted of three waves of heavy bombers spaced several hours apart. B-52G tail number 58-0201 (340th Bomb Sqd, 72nd Strat Wing) was in the first wave and was targeted against the Yen Vien railway yard 2 miles north of Hanoi but was struck by two SA-2 surface-to-air missiles before bomb release. Three of the crewmen were able to escape the burning aircraft, but three were not:
  • LtCol Donald L. Rissi, Collinsville, IL
  • Capt Robert J. Thomas, Miami, FL
  • SMSgt Walter L. Ferguson, Detroit, MI
Their remains were repatriated on 23 August 1978.

The other three crewman were captured and released with the other American POWs in early 1973. They were Major Richard E. Johnson, Captain Robert G. Certain, and Captain Richard T. Simpson.

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