Jearl Edward Rimmer
Army of the United States
Cedar Grove, Tennessee
August 06, 1946 to May 18, 1967
JEARL E RIMMER is on the Wall at Panel 20E, Line 33
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jearl Rimmer

Jearl E Rimmer
ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png ARGT-11THAVNGROUP.png 227thahb.gif

16 Jun 2007

On Flag Day, 2007, I saw your name on the KIA monument at the Henderson County Court Square in Lexington, TN along with all the other veterans from our other wars who, like you, gave the surpreme sacrifice, that we can remain free. Freedom comes with a price, it is not free. On behalf of all our local citicens, I want to say "Thank You". We honor you this day.

From a friend.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 18 May 1967 UH-1D tail number 62-12358, assigned to A Company, 227th Aslt Helo Bn, was used to transport senior commanders to a meeting. On return, the helo crew dropped off their passengers then continued to the refuleing area at Phan Thiet airfield. On the landing approach the tail rotor separated from the aircraft which then entered a violent spin, impacted the ground on its left side in a nose low attitude, and caught fire. Post-crash analysis revealed a material failure in the tail rotor hub assembly. Four men were killed in the crash:
  • WO Albert C. Brose, Lansing, IL;
  • WO John J. Roberts, Prescott, AZ;
  • SP5 Hugh L. Hurston, Buchanan, GA; and
  • SGT Jearl E. Rimmer, Cedar Grove, TN.

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