Donald Jerome Rice
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Gay, Georgia
June 10, 1947 to January 23, 1970
DONALD J RICE is on the Wall at Panel W14, Line 60
See the full profile or name rubbing for Donald Rice

Donald J Rice
armyseal.gif usarv.gif 11thacr.gif

03 Aug 2001


by Michael Rice

01 Aug 2007


We miss you so much. It has been 37 years since we received that awful news. So much has happened since then I often wonder how it would have been if you had not had to leave us when you were so young. But I know you are having a good time with Mom, Daddy, Ronald, and Jackie. Our family is getting smaller. You have so many nephews and nieces and they all have children now. But I believe you know all of this. I think about you every day.

I love you
Billie Jean

20 Feb 2008


Even though it has been 38 years that you have been gone, we miss you every day and there is not a day goes by that we don't think about you. But now you have a lot of the family with you. I know you, Ronald, Jackie, Vivian, Mama, Daddy, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins are all having a great time. We miss all of you. Our family is getting smaller. But we will all be together again one day. You will never be forgotten.

I love all of you.
Billie Jean

24 Jun 2008


Your birthday has come and gone as of June 10th. I thought about you and I thought about how I would love to have you a birthday party. Any of the family knows I love to have birthday parties. I know all of you had a party of your own. I go to your resting place a lot and I sit there thinking about all of you and what a good time you are having. I wish you could have known all of your nieces and nephews, but I feel like you do. I just wanted to tell you "Happy Belated Birthday". I love you so very much and I will never forget you. I know we will all be together one day.

I Love You,
Billie Jean

From his sister,
Billie Jean Pike
110 Clearview Drive, LaGrange, Ga. 30241

22 Mar 2008


I think of you often. We are having a family reunion in April. You will be missed - as you are at each one of them.

I still remember the day when I got the letter from mother (your Aunt Lottie) informing me of your sacrifice. It broke my heart. I remember us as children playing at Granny and Grandaddy's.

I was in DaNang, serving with the U.S. Navy SeaBees. I was in a lot of places there. We may have crossed paths at some point.

As Billy Jean said, the family is getting smaller. We must stay close together and stay in contact with each other, as there will be a day when we can't just pick up a phone and call a loved one as we once could.

We love you, and miss you, and we will all be together again one day.

Your cousin,
Wayne White


A Note from The Virtual Wall

G Troop, 2/11th Armored Cavalry lost two men on 23 Jan 1970 - SP4 Donald J. Rice and PFC Frank D. Hammond of Eureka, Nevada.

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