Robert Albert Resnick
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
July 01, 1949 to July 04, 1968
ROBERT A RESNICK is on the Wall at Panel W53, Line 12
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Resnick

Combat Action Ribbon
Robert A Resnick
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07 Jun 2006


by his sister,
Barbara Resnick Polcino

12 June 2006

The following article is taken from The Philadelphia Inquirer, July 12, 1968:

Upper Darby Marine Dies In Vietnam

A 1967 graduate of Msgr. Bonner High School who warned his friends not to enlist in the Marine Corps until the war was over has been killed in action at Khe Sanh, South Vietnam. Marine Lance Cpl. Robert A. Resnick Jr., 19, of 7267 Glenthorne Rd., Upper Darby, died on July 4 when he was struck by an exploding mortar shell.

He wrote his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Resnick, that he loved the Marines but he hated fighting in Vietnam. Recently while on a four-day leave in Toyko he spoke to his mother and said, "I don't want to go back to hell."

Cpl. Resnick enlisted in July 1967, a month after graduation from high school. He arrived in Vietnam on December 17, 1967.

Surviving besides his parents are a brother, Joseph, 2; and two sisters, Barbara, 8, and Patricia, 4.


From a native Philadelphian and Marine,
Jim McIlhenney

02 Jul 2006

Thanks for sharing - my father was in Viet Nam. Your brother will be remembered - I'm a graduate of Prendie whose brothers went to Bonner - both schools turn out great human beings.

E-mail address is not available.

The President of the United States
takes pride in presenting the


posthumously to

Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps

for service as set forth in the following


On July 1 1968, I Company of the Third Battalion, Fourth Marines came under a ground attack by an estimated North Vietnamese Army battalion supported by machine gun and grenade launcher fire, causing several casualties and a breach in the defensive perimeter of Lance Corporal Resnick's platoon. Unhesitatingly leaving his position, Lance Corporal Resnick fought his way to the side of one of his seriously wounded companions and, after killing four hostile soldiers surrounding his comrade, provided covering fire which enabled other Marines to evacuate the causality. Steadfastly remaining in his dangerously exposed location, he then delivered devastatingly accurate fire against the advancing soldiers, effectively maintaining the security of his position. When his unit again came under attack by a North Vietnamese Army unit during the early morning hours of 4 July, Lance Corporal Resnick was mortally wounded as he battled his way across the fire-swept terrain to the aid of an injured Marine. By his courage, bold initiative and selfless devotion to duty, Lance Corporal Resnick inspired all who observed him and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life in the service of his country.

A Note from The Virtual Wall

During the first half of July 1968 India 3/4, together with other Marine elements, was stationed on Foxtrot Ridge providing security along Route 9 while the Khe Sanh Combat Base was being evacuated. Enemy activity was obvious to the south of Foxtrot Ridge and the Marine position was subjected to heavy attacks during the early morning hours of 01 and 04 July. Both attacks were successfully defended, but seven Marines were killed in the actions. The assaulting NVA troops lost several hundred men to direct and supporting fires. The Marine dead were
  • 01 July 1968:
    • Pfc Ludin Garcia, New York, NY
    • Pfc William W. Hester, Philadelphia, PA (Silver Star)
    • Pfc Samuel Russell, Nashville, TN

  • 04 July 1968:
    • LCpl William A. Beckwith, Eugene, OR
    • LCpl Robert A. Resnick, Upper Darby, PA (Silver Star)
    • LCpl Oliver Zinimon, Columbus, OH
    • Pfc Dennis Fernandez, Chicago, IL

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