Michael Dean Reiff
Army of the United States
Independence, Missouri
October 18, 1947 to November 20, 1968
MICHAEL D REIFF is on the Wall at Panel W38, Line 20
See the full profile or name rubbing for Michael Reiff

Michael D Reiff
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19 Nov 2002

My brother, Terry Clifton, served with him.

He is remembered by his comrades in
Fox Company, 58th Infantry

From a comrade's sister,
Linda Durham


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The Ruong Ruong Valley is located about 30 kilometers due south of Phu Bai and 25 kilometers southwest of Phu Loc. Roughly "L"-shaped, the valley's north-south leg points directly at the Hue-Phu Bai area, while its east-west leg points through Elephant Valley towards Danang. Surrounded by high, jungled mountains, the remote valley was ideal as a VC and NVA hiding ground, and in 1968-69 the 4th NVA Regiment had its base camp there.

When the 101st Airborne Division was moved north in early 1968 its Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) unit, F Company, 58th Infantry, came with it. On 20 Nov 1968 F/58's Team 24 lost four men during a patrol in the Ruong Ruong Valley:

Some records indicate that Sergeant Reiff and SP4 Heringhausen were officially assigned to B Company, 2nd Bn, 502nd Infantry, at the time of their deaths.

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