Bartow Wesley Potts, Jr
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Macon, Georgia
October 20, 1950 to January 21, 1971
BARTOW W POTTS Jr is on the Wall at Panel W5, Line 59
See the full profile or name rubbing for Bartow Potts

Combat Action Ribbon

14 Nov 2002

Bartow was the older brother of one of my best friends growing up. Being very young while the war was going on, I did not have any real concept of what it was all about until the funeral was held for Bartow. I was 9 at the time, and remember them telling how he had been killed when the helicopter he was on had been shot down. For the first time, this brought meaning to the war for me. I want his memory to serve as a reminder to all that ordinary people do extraordinary things when called upon.

From a friend,
Kevin Samuel
2712 Glasshouse Rd, Jamestown, Nc 27282

26 May 2004

As a little 10 year old boy, growing up in Macon, Georgia, I caddied for Bartow and my uncle, Terry Cobb, while they played golf. Honestly it was more a chance to hang with the older guys -- 16. Many years later in life I was a minister in Bartow's brother Mark's life. Here's a glimpse into the fun, happy side of PFC Bartow's life: he and/or Terry would tee off a golf ball into the woods (swamp), send me into the muck a-la Golden Retriever, and if I found the golf ball they would reward me with a Mountain Dew! Good times!

Though I knew Bartow from this distance, like everyone else, unwittingly he became my closest bridge to the harsh realities of the Viet Nam war. Even writing of him now ... brings a tear to the eye.

BTW - I got the dew!

From a friend,
Len Strozier

25 May 2007

I didn't know PFC Potts, but I did know CPL Moll who was killed in the same crash. I was there at the time this occurred and was part of the group who stood watch over the site during the night. This incident still haunts me. I would like to give my condolences to his family and friends.

Larry Cantrell


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 21 January 1971, a CH-46D helicopter (BuNo 153364) was shot down at Hill 363, 5 kilometers northwest of Ha Tan airfield in Quang Nam Province. Five men, all passengers aboard the aircraft, were killed in the crash:
  • Sgt Robert Hrisoulis, Detroit, MI, 1st Radio Bn
  • HM3 Eugene J. Levickis, Chicago, IL, Bravo 1/1 Marines
  • Cpl Steven W. Moll, Evansville, IL, Bravo 1/1 Marines
  • Pfc Gregory S. Karger, Duluth, MN, Bravo 1/1 Marines
  • Pfc Bartow W. Potts, Macon, GA, Bravo 1/1 Marines
On 25 January, LCpl Merrill E. Brumley of Terrell, Texas, also assigned to Bravo 1/1, died from injuries received in the crash.

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