Richard Lee Porter
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Stow, Ohio
November 11, 1949 to April 07, 1969
RICHARD L PORTER is on the Wall at Panel W27, Line 33
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Porter

Combat Action Ribbon

10 Oct 2001

Dear brother,

As you look down at the world I wonder what you see.
Are you proud of the country you gave your life for?
Is it all you thought it would be?
We're in another war. I'm sure you can see
Once again our military's fighting for our country to be free.

Dear son,

I too wonder what you might say
If you were sitting here beside me like so many times I prayed,
Would you still defend the land you loved?
Do you still feel pride when you look down from above?
Things will be hard again, many lives will be lost.
Like the soldiers before them they know it's worth the cost.

Dear Uncle Rick,

It's been so long and you're missed every day
It seems like only yesterday God took you away
You gave your life for a cause you believed so much in
As you look down on the world, we know in our hearts you would do it all again.

From your niece
Kelli Maughan

Love from your Sister and Mom

11 October 2001

How wonderful it was to see the words from your sister and mother,
my cousin and aunt,
who I haven't seen in many years.
Maybe that can change.

I too have thought of you over and over again through the years.
Wondering what you would look like now,
Wondering if we would still have the relationship we once had,
hoping my son would grow into the person you were
and thinking when I watch the Cleveland Indians win or lose that
the New York Yankees were your favorite team.

I wish you were still here, Rick.
You will never know what an impact you had on my life and my sisters' lives.

We miss you............

Your cousin, Les

13 October 2001

You have really never left.

I think of you often and tell my sister's son stories about you and the fun we had growing up. I have a memorial to you that I look at every day. You will always be with me.

We are at war again. There are flags everywhere you look. When I see them, I think of you with pride and sorrow.

I will never forget the sacrifice you made so that I could live in freedom.

Your cousin, Jill

11 November 2001

     I was so young when you were taken away from us. But you touched my heart so very much. I can remember when you would come down to our home and see my Mom and Dad (your Aunt Helen and Uncle Art). You and Dick would put me in the car and I would show you the way to the Dairy Owl for ice cream. I know if you were here today you would be out there fighting for our country again. I really miss you and your father but I know that you both are together now and joking around like you used to. Plus you also have my mom up there with you. I can't thank your parents enough for teaching me about religion and to know that you are with GOD. You would be very proud of your sister - she has so much love for others and goes out of her way to show her love. Through the years we have grown very close. I really miss the contact with your mother!! I wish we could see each other today so you could see what I have done with my life and to see what you would be doing with your life. Well, my move to Sweden has been a very good move for me and I have a great family here that loves me very much. I think of you and your dad and my mother as my guardian angels that will watch over me and my family. I really miss you, Rick. I can still sit here and close my eyes and see you laying there in that casket under the glass. But you are with GOD now and he has a very special job for you. But even though you are not here in body you are never forgotten by family and friends.

With all my love, your cousin

18 November 2001

One of God's many gifts was sharing you with us, even if it was only for a little while. Miss you and think of you often especially in the football season. We sure enjoyed those Cleveland Browns games. We all gang up on mom when the Browns and Steelers play. We still do and know you are watching all of us and still cheering for the Browns. We sure had some good times at the Par 3. Remember your mischief and I got the blame? I'd do it all again.

Bro & Sis

Dave & Shirley Porter
Brother & Sister-in-law
3816 3rd Avenue, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 35405


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Fox Company, 2/4 Marines, had four men killed in action on 7 April 1969:
  • LCPL John E. Batchelor, Vicksburg, MS
  • PFC Richard L. Porter, Stow, OH
  • PFC James A. Staples, Detroit, MI
  • PFC William J. Woolsey, Lancaster, CA

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