David Randle Porter
Private First Class
Army of the United States
La Porte, Indiana
November 14, 1948 to June 04, 1969
DAVID R PORTER is on the Wall at Panel W23, Line 67
See the full profile or name rubbing for David Porter


02 Oct 2007

Dave, it has been almost forty years since we have talked but I think of you all the time.

I remember the ride to O'Hare Field that stupid night. I remember you saying "What, do you think my mother raised a fool?" when I told you that I did not know how to get there but you did. Getting lost twice on the way up there. We should have stayed lost! Life would be much greater.

I remember the day your sister called to tell me the sad news. I cried. My wife, ex, even cried. Remember, she didn't even like you.

I wish that you and I could get together. There would be tons of things to remember.

I hope that you and Smacks, Jim, and rest of the gang, La Porte's Heros, are having fun. Tell them that I said HI!


From his best friend,
Pat Hemphill


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 04 May 1970 A Battery, 1/92nd Artillery, moved to Fire Support Base #1 at Dak To, to provide support to US and ARVN operations in the Dak To area. FSB #1 was continually subjected to rocket, mortar, and recoilless rifle fire from the surrounding jungled hills. The 1/92nd Operational Report for May-Jul 1970 contains the following entry:
"On 04 June 1969 the battery had 2 men killed in action and 3 men wounded in action as a result of incoming 75mm recoiless rifle fire. During periods of incoming 122mm rocket fire, the enemy began to direct recoilless rifle fire against the battery position area when the men manned the howitzers to fire counterbattery."
The two soldiers killed in the attack were PFC William C. Burgess of Ellijay, Georgia, and PFC David R. Porter.

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