Roddie Lee Perry
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Dallas, Texas
July 16, 1948 to June 03, 1969
RODDIE L PERRY is on the Wall at Panel W23, Line 56
See the full profile or name rubbing for Roddie Perry

Roddie L Perry
americal.gif 11infbde.gif 3rdinfrgt.gif

13 Mar 2008

Roddie was my only brother and he was my best friend. Even though there were 6 years difference in our ages, he always had time for me. He taught me to dance and to appreciate cars. He loved animals and was a good friend to everyone who knew him. If Roddie didn't have a Friday or Saturday night date (which was rare) he didn't mind taking his little sister out for burgers, a movie, or to play pin ball. Sometimes we would just go for a ride in his car. There is a void in my life since he has been gone. He was awarded a Silver Star for actions on Feb. 22, 1969. He was in the 4/3 Delta company Americal division.

From his sister,
Patsy Perry Morgan


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 03 June 1969, during Operation IRON MOUNTAIN, elements of the 11th Infantry Brigade made heavy contact with enemy forces about 7 kilometers west-northwest of Duc Pho. Nine US soldiers were killed in the fighting:
  • E Troop, 1st Cavalry
    • SP4 Sammy L. Mead, Pleasant Hope, MO

  • D Co, 1st Bn, 20th Infantry
    • SGT Lawrence A. Fanella, Syracuse, NY
    • SGT Larry D. McKenzie, Mizpah, MN
    • CPL Lonnie D. Moore, Lebanon, OR
    • CPL John R. Taylor, Taft, CA
    • SP4 Randall R. White, La Grange, GA
    • PVT Billie W. Reed, Murray, KY

  • D Co, 4th Bn, 3rd Infantry
    • SP4 Roddie L. Perry, Dallas, TX (Silver Star)

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