John Edward Nelson
Army of the United States
Sacramento, California
July 15, 1947 to April 13, 1968
JOHN E NELSON is on the Wall at Panel 49E, Line 45
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Nelson


09 Jan 2004

My name is Bill McCormick. John and I grew up together in Sacramento. We went through junior high school and high school. We did not see much of each other after high school but kept in touch. We were both drafted within two months of each other.

I heard of John's death while stationed at Redstone Arsenal Alabama. His mother requested me to be escort at the funeral. That was hardest thing I did in the service but also something I am very proud of. I still think of him all the time and all the good times we had hunting and fishing around Northern California. His sacrifice is not forgotten.

His friend,
Bill McCormick

13 Jul 2007

John: I thought I would wish you a Happy Birthday your 60th, don't worry mine comes up in another month. I was thinking of the day I heard you had been killed. I had been on CQ that night and had already been dragged out of the rack twice that morning by the First Sergeant for some reason so when the clerk came by and got me up again I was pissed and cussing a streak while I walked down to the Orderly Room. When my dad told me you had been killed, the world just kind of slowed down and stopped. In a couple of days I was on my way to Oakland for Escort Duty, and I was so afraid I would do a bad job. But I think I did OK. Anyway - Happy Birthday, buddy.

From your friend and fellow Vietnam Vet,
Bill McCormick
400 Munroe Street #18, Sacramento, Ca. 95825


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 13 April 1968 the 2nd Bn, 22nd Infantry lost seven men - six of their own and an artillery Forward Observer - during a reconnaissance in force 13 kilometers north-northwest of Dau Tieng:
  • A Co, 2nd Bn, 22nd Infantry:
    • SGT John E. Nelson, Sacramento, CA, B Co
    • CPL Richard Peguero, Los Angeles, CA, A Co
    • SP4 Stanley Spikes, Plainfield, NJ, A Co
    • PFC Gerald C. Mull, Vienna, VA, HQ Co (medic)
    • PFC Wayne A. Rhodes, Guymon, OK, A Co
    • PFC Dennis J. Yetmar, Clare, IA, A Co

  • B Btry, 2nd Bn, 77th Artillery:

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