Kenneth Lawrence Neal
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
San Jose, California
December 10, 1940 to March 24, 1968
KENNETH L NEAL is on the Wall at Panel 46E, Line 9
See the full profile or name rubbing for Kenneth Neal


20 Jan 2002

"Doc" Neal was soon to be promoted to SP5 as he had taken charge of all my medics in Company B, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry. He is one of the men who put me on a Dustoff and thereby saved my can. A skilled medic and a friend, he's pictured with his buddy, Irma.

A memorial from a comrade-in-arms,
Sonny Gratzer
Captain, US Army (Ret)

10 Jan 2005

I am grateful to Sonny Gratzer for posting this memorial to my much loved Uncle Kenny. He was the youngest of 15 siblings and was loved by them all. His 5 brothers and many nephews and nieces also served in various branches of the military, some in Vietnam at the same time as Kenny - they came home, thank God. It was fun to see him with Irma as he had a monkey (and many other animals) as a teenager and would parade them around the neighborhood for others to enjoy. He was a Lincoln High School grad, a Boy Scout leader and a caring and loving family member who we all called "Dub". We miss you and always will.

From a niece,
Jeri Paradise

10 Jan 2005

I grew up with my Uncle Kenny and he was a very kind guy. He gave a lot to the Boy Scouts and took very good care of his mother. A failed marriage only added to the strength of his character. Kenny, I miss you.

Love, Spider

From a niece,
Raylene Mann

Visit John Dennison's
Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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