Larry Keith Motley
Private First Class
Army of the United States
French Camp, California
April 16, 1949 to July 11, 1969
LARRY K MOTLEY is on the Wall at Panel W21, Line 102
See the full profile or name rubbing for Larry Motley

Larry K Motley
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"Doc" Motley had a tough time adjusting to Nam, but he did his job well.

In July, he died in the assault on Hill 996.

Doc, I'm proud to have known you and worked with you. You did a fine job and put your all on the line.

I remember, Doc, when we went down to the river by F.S.B. Currahee for a bath and some fun, all of us naked as jaybirds. Somebody found some "fool's gold" and we all thought we were going home rich men. That's the first time I saw you crack a smile.

That would have been great, wouldn't it? Suddenly it started raining mortar rounds and we couldn't find our clothes. We forgot the way back through the claymores and trip flares. What if someone inside squeezed the clacker to the phoo-gas? We didn't want to be crispy critters. Things worked out though, didn't they? Brian Rapp knew the way back inside the wire and led us back in.

Doc, Fenush and I made the change that put you in 1st. We thought you'd like that, it seemed like 3rd was always finding trouble. No one knew what lay ahead, Doc, and I'm sorry for the way things turned out. Doc Perez and I found your aid bag. We counted 22 holes in it. We could hardly speak. We also found some letters in it. We knew it was against the regs for them to be in your bag so we just turned them over to the CO and didn't tell him where we found them.

Larry, I wish so much that things were different and you could have come home. Somehow none of it seemed fair. We got home and nobody cared. They didn't care what happened to guys like you. They didn't even want to know. I think now some are begining to understand. They should be so lucky as to have known someone like you.

You are not forgotten, Doc, never have been.
"Doc" Daniels

Visit John Dennison's
Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

A memorial initiated by a comrade-in-arms,
Richard "Doc" Daniels 
28 Apr 2002

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