William David Morgan
United States Marine Corps
Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania
September 17, 1947 to February 25, 1969
WILLIAM D MORGAN is on the Wall at Panel W31, Line 54
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William D Morgan
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William D Morgan


William D Morgan


21 Nov 2001

I served in Viet Nam with Corporal Morgan and wanted to pay my respects to him. He took care of his fellow Marines. He was what the Marine Corps was all about.

The last time I saw him was on Operation Dewey Canyon in the A Shau Valley.

Thank you, David.

From a fellow Marine,
Allen H. Brooks

2 Dec 2002


by a friend and fellow Marine,
Dennis A. Crew

16 Sep 2004

In my research I've been able to find a lot of information on my uncle Pfc Robinson Santiago. It all started with you and your citation. One of the individuals that you sacrificed yourself by drawing fire was my uncle. If your family was to read this we the SANTIAGO Family would like to say thank you for your sacrifice. My uncle was also killed in action that day but Corporal Morgan's sacrifice saved many Marines that day. Rest in peace and God Bless.

From PFC Robinson Santiago's nephew,
Robinson Santiago

23 Oct 2004

Always my Hero,
always in my thoughts,
forever in my heart,
forever my Uncle.
Rest in Peace.

Love always...
your niece,
Jessica Morgan

6 Nov 2004

I just wanted to say "Thanks" not only to William Morgan
but also to all of those young men who died in Vietnam.
I was born 10 years after the fall of Saigon
but I still feel that these men died for me.
They died for everyone living in this country at that time and now,
and for that I'm eternally grateful.

From a grateful citizen of the United States,
Danny Hackett

08 Jun 2005

From a fellow Mt. Lebanon graduate and a fellow member of 9th Marines. I started on Dewey Canyon, but rotated out during the operation.

All my respect and admiration to Bill Morgan, who gave his life for his buddies.

"Through service we honor your sacrifice."

From a fellow Marine,
Wade Berliner
Berkeley, Ca

02 Oct 2005

I can't say that I know Cpl William D. Morgan personally. I simply was looking for someone to do a report on for JROTC. When I came across Cpl Morgan two things caught my eye. One, he is a Corporal, which is the same rank as me in my program. And two, he received the Medal Of Honor.

As I read on about him I found that he risked and ended up giving his life for the lives of two Marines. I want to thank him for this act. I know that me only being a sophomore can't really understand how great that is but I know that he is a great man. Thank you, Cpl William D. Morgan. You are truly a great man and it is an honor to write a report on your action in the saving of two Marines.

Cadet Corporal Chelsea

21 Feb 2007

I've known of your heroics since returning from Desert Storm in 1991. I attended your dedication when they honored you at Mount Lebanon High School. I couldn't have been more proud to say that I'm from Mount Lebanon and that I served in the Marines. God Bless you, and your family, they must be so proud of you.

Semper Fi,
Rick Barney
Mt. Lebanon Class of 1983

14 May 2007

My name is Alex Anderson and I am a student at Mount Lebanon High School. A lot of people in my high school don't really understand what Corporal Morgan did for his country to save the lives of those two Marines. As I gaze upon his picture every time I pass it in the hallway I can only think of all the people who went to Mount Lebanon who risked their lives in battle. There are no words that I could write that would express my feelings twoards his great efforts but I can assure you that his memory will always live on in the lives of all the students who walk the halls of Mount Lebanon High School.

Alex Anderson

12 Nov 2007

Billy, I last saw you in 1968 when you got off the USS NEWPORT NEWS and before your return to Vietnam. I was almost 9 and my lasting impression was of how tall you were. I still remember coming home from school and finding my older sister, Ann, crying. I asked what was wrong and she said I wouldn't understand. I asked again and she told my that you had died. She was right, at that stage of my life, I really could not comprehend it.

I see that Jessica has posted. You have two nieces and a nephew that you never met. All are doing well, and I hear that your brother, Jay (Capt., USMC) will be retiring soon. My dad (Lt. Colonel, USMC) is doing well. He told me a long time ago that you died in Laos. It's good to see some acknowledgement of the truth. In the long run, it does not matter which side of that border you gave your life.

I am very proud of you, and am sorry that we never got the chance to know each other better. I have two kids of my own now. My daughter Maren is seven and my son who was born in your 50th year, William David Morgan Englehart. We call him Billy.

From a cousin,
David Englehart


A Note from The Virtual Wall


Operation DEWEY CANYON was intended to disrupt the North Vietnamese supply lines into the A Shau Valley and to locate and destroy NVA forces in the area. It was a bloody business, conducted in the heavily jungled hills and valleys of westernmost Quang Tri Province and the immediately adjacent areas of Laos.

On 25 Feb 1969 elements of the 2nd Bn, 9th Marines engaged an NVA force 23 kilometers west of A Luoi Village. Although the database shows Quang Tri Province, the grid position given in the 2/9 Marines' operations log lies just south of Route 922, about 3/4 of a mile inside Laos. Eight Marines were killed in the engagement:

  • G Company:
    • Pfc Clifford D. Combs, Marquand, MO

  • H Company:
    • Cpl William D. Morgan, Mount Lebanon, PA (Medal of Honor)
    • LCpl Patrick J. Muraca, Dalton, MA
    • Pfc Porfirio M. Ovalle, San Antonio, TX
    • Pfc Thomas E. Parker, Chesterfield, CT
    • Pfc Fred L. Ricard, Norristown, PA
    • Pfc Robinson Santiago, New York, NY
    • Pfc Joseph R. Schnell, Hampton, VA
The President of the United States
in the name of the Congress of the United States
takes pride in presenting the


posthumouosly to

United States Marine Corps

for service as set forth in the following


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a squad leader with Company H, in operations against the enemy. While participating in Operation DEWEY CANYON southeast of Vandergrift Combat Base, one of the squads of Corporal Morgan's platoon was temporarily pinned down and sustained several casualties while attacking a North Vietnamese Army force occupying a heavily fortified bunker complex. Observing that 2 of the wounded Marines had fallen in a position dangerously exposed to the enemy fire and that all attempts to evacuate them were halted by a heavy volume of automatic weapons fire and rocket-propelled grenades, Corporal Morgan unhesitatingly maneuvered through the dense jungle undergrowth to a road that passed in front of a hostile emplacement which was the principal source of enemy fire. Fully aware of the possible consequences of his valiant action, but thinking only of the welfare of his injured companions, Corporal Morgan shouted words of encouragement to them as he initiated an aggressive assault against the hostile bunker. While charging across the open road, he was clearly visible to the hostile soldiers who turned their fire in his direction and mortally wounded him, but his diversionary tactic enabled the remainder of his squad to retrieve their casualties and overrun the North Vietnamese Army position. His heroic and determined actions saved the lives of 2 fellow Marines and were instrumental in the subsequent defeat of the enemy. Corporal Morgan's indomitable courage, inspiring initiative and selfless devotion to duty upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the U.S. Naval Services. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

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