Charles Thomas Moore
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Memphis, Missouri
July 15, 1948 to January 05, 1970
CHARLES T MOORE is on the Wall at Panel W15, Line 130
See the full profile or name rubbing for Charles Moore

Charles T Moore
usarv.gif ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png 5thcavrgt.gif

12 Jan 2006

Tommy was my best friend back in the "world". We went to high school and also church together. We spent a lot of time together. If I wasn't at his house he was at mine.

I got drafted in April, 1969 and was in Vietnam by August. He didn't get drafted until later and was in country by November of that year. I received a letter from my parents while I was in the hospital in Saigon after getting wounded that told me that he was killed.

I miss him very much and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him in some way. He has a son that he never was able to meet. Brandon and I got to meet 30 years later and it was a meeting that I will forever be grateful for. Tommy, I miss you.

Phil Tolliver
1213 Karen Lane, Washington, Missouri 63090


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The President of the United States
takes pride in presenting the


posthumously to

Private First Class
Army of the United States

for service as set forth in the following


For extraordinary heroism in action, Private First Class Charles T. Moore, United States Army, distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 5 January 1970 in the Republic of Vietnam. On that date, when the First Platoon of Company D made contact with a determined enemy force located in a well-fortified bunker complex, a friendly trooper to the front was severely wounded. Despite his own wrist wounds, Private Moore, medical aidman for the First Platoon, moved through the intense hail of enemy fire to treat and evacuate the wounded soldier. Subsequently, a rocket impacted which strafed the area with shrapnel, wounding the First Platoon leader and further injuring Private Moore. Again with complete disregard for his own welfare, Private Moore moved to the aid of his platoon leader and evacuated the officer to safety. Then, noticing that his first patient had stopped breathing, Private Moore untiringly, and singularly performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation until life and unassisted breathing were restored. As he was constructing a bamboo stretcher on which to carry this critically wounded trooper, Private Moore was shot in the hip and rendered unconscious. Minutes later, he regained consciousness, and although his many wounds now completely incapacitated his movement and his position was exposed, he began shouting valuable instructions concerning the necessary and vital treatment for the wounded. Even when he knew that death was imminent, Private Moore unselfishly ignored his pain and continued to give valuable medical instructions. Private Moore succumbed to his wounds before he could be medically evacuated, but not before he had saved the lives of many of his comrades through his conspicuous gallantry and extraordinary heroism.

The engagement on 05 Jan 1970 cost the 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry, six men:

  • D Company:
    • SSG Tom A. Metcalf, Memphis, TN
    • PFC Donald E. Lewter, La Puente, CA
    • PFC Charles T. Moore, Memphis, MO (Dist Svc Cross) (HHC with D Co)

  • E Company:
    • PFC William F. Gilmore, Wagoner, OK
    • PFC Larry N. Lamb, Gibson, GA
    • PFC Robert S. Sombati, Akron, OH

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Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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