Robert Michael Miller
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Chicago, Illinois
December 11, 1946 to June 06, 1967
ROBERT M MILLER is on the Wall at Panel 21E, Line 63
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Miller

Combat Action Ribbon
Robert M Miller
usmc120.gif 3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif

16 Mar 2002


Even though it has been all these years I still think of you.

I have talked with your brother and I sent your mother a photo of us prior to our patrol. I wish I could have helped you that night. I will be bringing some things to the Wall soon.

May you rest in peace, my brother.


10 Feb 2004

Robert, I finally got a chance to meet your mother. After 36 years I was able to locate her. Bobby, your mother is such a sweet lady. I was so broken-hearted to find out she was unable to get the medals you fought and died for. She has them now. Oh yes, I left our favorite record at the Wall. I know you must be listening to it. I hope to go back to the Wall soon ... I miss you.


Ron Rogers
410 Tyler Ave. S.E. Fort Payne Al 35967

08 Oct 2003

The photo of Lance Corporal Robert Michael Miller was taken atop Hill 327 while Bobby was on his first tour with 3rd Platoon, D Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, in 1965. The photo was taken by Rick B. Cromwell, another platoon member of mine and Bobby's.

Bobby was killed 06/06/67 in Quang Nam Province on his second tour while serving with CAP Bravo 2.

From a friend,
Roger D. Warren
PFC, D Company, 1/3, 1964-65

27 Oct 2003

Bobby, what a shock it was for me when Roger told me you were killed in your second tour. We survived our first tour and I still think of our last liberty together in Jacksonville N.C. Lots of good memories. Now, Oh Brother, all I can ask is why. Oh my brother Bobby, why. We of the old "third herd" had a love for each other that is rarely held by men for each other. David spoke of it concerning Jonathan it the Old Testament. Why Bobby, why.

L/Cpl Buff D/1/3 --- Sgt Buff H/2/3
Until the last formation is called
Semper Fi Bobby

Darold Buffington

9 Mar 2004

Robert, I must tell you I feel as if I knew you! My name is Robert Michael Miller also and I am also a Vietnam Vet. I see you left us the very day that I arrived in Nam. I was in the 120th Combat Assault, 1st Aviation Brigade, U S Army. I find it so unreal with both of us have the same name and the date of your incident is the same day I arrived! I was born 8/28/47, one year younger than you. I just felt I had to write this to let you know you somehow touched me! I will remember you in my prayers and hope we will meet in the life after, maybe you can help me get to where we all hope is the place where we will find happiness forever!!!! I think about Nam almost every day, but I am OK - that's why I talk about it and why I am writing you because it makes me feel better. God bless you and all who served so well.

From a brother Vietnam Vet,
Robert M Miller, SP5

13 Jan 2007

Many thanks for your service to preserve freedom from oppression for the people of Vietnam.

May the world come to realize the justness of your cause and the value of your sacrifice.

Rest well in the comfort and grace of our Lord.

Major Robert Michael Miller


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The Combined Action Program placed a squad of Marines and a Navy Corpsman in Vietnamese villages where the Americans lived, fought, and frequently died alongside the Vietnamese civilians and militia units. While the majority of Combined Action Program units were under the direct control of Headquarters, 3rd Marine Amphibious Force, some were controlled by the 1st and 3rd Marine Division Headquarters.

Available records indicate five men of CAP Bravo-4, subordinate to Service Company, HQ Battalion, 1st Marine Division, died in an engagement in Quang Nam Province on 6 June 1967. At the time the CAP units around Danang were under the operational control of the 7th Marines, whose Command Chronology reports the engagement as follows:

"060510H [5:10 AM, 06 June] -
From: CAC B-4 to 7th Mar Spot Report
  1. CAC B-4
  2. 060155H [1:55 AM, 06 June]
  3. AT 945665 [UTM coordinates of event]
  4. Estimated VC force of 100 plus wearing black shorts, black and white headbands, no shoes or shirts, penetrated CAC B-4 perimeter from southeast using satchel charges, M-26 and CHICOM grenades, carbines, 1x30 cal machinegun and possibly 1x50 cal MG. VC used approx 30 satchel charges and 30 grenades to destroy and burn 1 ammo bunker and 2 main bunkers. 2 USMC from listening post on south side of perimeter and 1 USMC from northern LP KIA while attempting to return to compound.
  5. CAC B-4 returned 1000 rounds M-16, 2 LAAWs, and numerous M-26 grenades. Saw 8 VC and bodies dragged away. Reaction force dispatched from I 3/1 [India Co, 3rd Bn, 1st Marines] (OPCON 3/7) CP on Hill 41. Squad with 1 tank departed 0205, arrived 0215. VC had fled to the east. CAC squad leader called arty and 81mm HE and illumination rounds on likely withdrawal routes. Received 52 rounds 105mm HE, 6 rounds WP, 18 rounds 155mm HE, and 54 rounds 105mm illumination. Flareship on station 0250.
  6. 5 USMC [killed in action]
  7. 4 USMC, 5 Popular Forces [wounded in action]
  8. 0 [WIA evacuated]
  9. 8 [enemy killed]
  10. Unk [enemy wounded]"
The five Marines killed in the attack were
  • Cpl Edgar H. Vallecillo, West New York, NJ
  • LCpl Niles Burney, Seattle, WA
  • LCpl William C. Gunter, Arcadia, FL
  • LCpl James A. Mc Murdo, Sepulveda, CA
  • LCpl Robert M. Miller, Chicago, IL

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